So, What's Your Website - Page 37 -...

User 605055 Photo

Registered User
17 posts

Hi my name is Bob and I have been designing websites for about a year now.

My site is

I also have a yard sale website

Thanks for looking. Have a great day. :D
User 1892988 Photo

Registered User
151 posts

Here is what I got till now

Expect new complete make-over in the near future.
HTML Editor, Visual Site Designer, Web Form Builder, Picture Gallery, Fire Starter,
News Reader, Web Access Manager, Password Wizard
User 244141 Photo

1,209 posts

Hi Dick,

That is a really great site. It's awsome what you did with the combination of silver's and gradients. The way you used news flash is very artistic. This site is really cool and professional for promoting your company.

ps: nice use of fonts.:)

Web Design:
Member - BBB: Websnoogie, LLC

User 1892988 Photo

Registered User
151 posts

Thank you very much fir the compliments ND, you make me a bit shy.

We must not forget that CoffeeCup software are the "must have" tools in your creative toolbox. The support from staff and forum membera is awesome and did make me overcome every obstacle.

HTML Editor, Visual Site Designer, Web Form Builder, Picture Gallery, Fire Starter,
News Reader, Web Access Manager, Password Wizard
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Must second Napolean here - nice looking site and I am interested to see that you promote yourself as a photographer......... one of my own great passions (apart from CC!!) is photography and I keep telling myself that I must get around to creating a site to showcase my efforts. Glad to see that at least someone is getting there. Are you on the Flickr Community by the way? Lots of inspiration there for your photography.

Look forward to seeing how your site progresses..... keep us updated.
User 1892988 Photo

Registered User
151 posts

Thank you Janys.

No I'm not @ Flickr but an SmugMug, specially for photograpers.

You might consider to take a vacation to Aruba so I can snap a couple of pics of you and post it for CC to see. :D
HTML Editor, Visual Site Designer, Web Form Builder, Picture Gallery, Fire Starter,
News Reader, Web Access Manager, Password Wizard
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

LOL....... I am surrounded by photographers here....... my husband, my daughter and my daughter's boyfriend who is just finishing a degree in photography this summer........ so thanks but no thanks......... that's quite enough snap happy folks for me!! Although Aruba does sound like a great place to visit for sure!
User 244141 Photo

1,209 posts

There's some really good coffeecup sites on here lately.
Web Design:
Member - BBB: Websnoogie, LLC

User 373301 Photo

Registered User
17 posts

Here is the info on my main site. Any feedback on it would be greatly appreciated.
My biggest concern is that it seems to take a little too long for the pages to load.for my liking. The images and buttons are not too large.


Name: the garage sale

Description: This is "the" network for bargain hunters! Look-out CraigsList!

Tools Used: CoffeeCup VSD, CoffeeCup Ad Producer, and some scripts

Authors/Team: Just me!

Here are a couple more that I am working on:
Right now this just the FLASH starter page.
Right now this is just one page introducing my photography.
I plan on adding a photo album soon.

Thank you in advance for any feedback and comments.

User 1892988 Photo

Registered User
151 posts

Neat site Kevin (the garage sale

I would surely consider to make the buttons of equal length and a bit closer together.
Yes, they're big. I think 2/3 of the size would present better. Personally I would remove the banner at the bottom. You have almost an equal banner at the top already.

Other than that; It's just looks very nice and to the point.

(nice intro @
HTML Editor, Visual Site Designer, Web Form Builder, Picture Gallery, Fire Starter,
News Reader, Web Access Manager, Password Wizard

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