So, What's Your Website - Page 40 -...

User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Hi Dear Mike
Not forgotten any of you but have been busy, busy, busy for months. Will get in touch soon... enjoy the Tour de France too and take care.
User 12657 Photo

Registered User
616 posts

Ahhh well okay, but don't laugh

In my defense, I'm old and I never took any lessons or classes. I started teaching myself at the ripe young age of 55
User 12657 Photo

Registered User
616 posts

See, I told you I was old,
User 629005 Photo

2,174 posts

Nice site BB...

One suggestion I would make, is on your "home" page for the photography site. Your mouseover effect is nice, but I'd make the alternate box (photo) the same size. You have a few that if hit it the right place, causes an alternating flashing effect (back and forth and back ...). While not fast enough to cause an epileptic seizure :D , it's not real pleasant either.

Other than that, GREAT work!!! (and BTW, we don't accept the age issue here. Too many of the "older folk" have proven that they run circles around many of the "young pups" :) )
Living the dream, stocking the cream :D
User 244141 Photo

1,209 posts

good site BB, and next week I turn 6 3/4 years old my self(dog years, may be appropriate :lol:)...

Web Design:
Member - BBB: Websnoogie, LLC

User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

BigM keep up the great work. I think Phil's suggestion is pretty valid too and worth giving a try.

As for the photography, I reckon you and your son should maybe try to get around to investing in one of those neautral background drops for your portraiture. They don't detract from the actual subject and come in a variety of colours and sizes. That way noone has to worry if the curtains have been ironed or not!!

Here is my latest effort - all HTML Editor, and for the time being, no cms although I might transfer the content to a cms system at some stage. It has been fun, and continues to be as I am still working on it. A long way to go but am beginning to see the end of the tunnel now! which is a redirect for now
User 244141 Photo

1,209 posts


Excellent as always, I love the quote on how much a website cost. I will use that one in the future. Did you write the content? Good stuff too.

Web Design:
Member - BBB: Websnoogie, LLC

User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

thanks JTK
Yes - I am writing all the content myself, though now have to face up to the harsh reality of translating it all into Italian. Some bits of the Wikipedia quotes have been extracted and quoted as I found them, but the main stuff is mine. Lots of stuff repeated for now - just to fill out space, but it is gradually getting sorted whenever I get a few minutes to spare. You know how it is - you always find the time to do other people's stuff (especially if they are paying for it!) and your own gets left gathering dust on the shelf.

The joke is now I have to give some careful thought to what I do want to charge! If I go for some web templates they will keep costs fairly low, but obviously anything that needs a database management I will hand over to my team and they will have to do their own costing. They usually only ask me for a simple full page "screen" for their content, and they are easy enough to create. They work with asp so don't need a whole load of pages, but just one or two.

I agree that quote is very appropriate!
User 366869 Photo

Registered User
5 posts

Here is on of the sites that I have completed with CC Visual Site Designer...

I have been an active user for 4 years now.
If I ain't building a website.....then I am fishing.....
User 244141 Photo

1,209 posts


Excellent site, easy navigation, great graphics. Very professional. The feedback link going to a local area of a search directory is just such really smart stuff these days and it looked like it worked for you.

Web Design:
Member - BBB: Websnoogie, LLC

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