So, What's Your Website - Page 43 -...

User 264552 Photo

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;) It looks fine to me in IE. I quit using FF because it screws up everything I do in VSD. Something about the Font Metrics. I'm really not accomplished enough to figure it out so when I get a complaint from a FF user, I tell 'em to use IE and shutup! :lol:
User 629005 Photo

2,174 posts

Chad Spillars wrote:
kdenn - I'm glad you're enjoying my site!

Janys - That is very disappointing to me that you are getting overlapping text. I don't see that on my end and I use Firefox.

Browser compatibly is very important to me, and when I designed the site I tested every page in Firefox, IE, and Safari. I even tested pages on other people's computers, PCs, MACs, and tested different screen resolutions as well.

I find it very upsetting that is happening after all the work I've done. The problem, whatever it is, is with VSD and I will definitely be in communication with them about this problem.

Did you find overlapping text on any of the other pages? Would you mind checking this page, in particular: … ories.html

Sorry to report, same here on the text overlap. :( I'm using Firefox on a Linux brain (Ubuntu)
Living the dream, stocking the cream :D
User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts

Jim Slaughter wrote:
;) It looks fine to me in IE. I quit using FF because it screws up everything I do in VSD. Something about the Font Metrics. I'm really not accomplished enough to figure it out so when I get a complaint from a FF user, I tell 'em to use IE and shutup! :lol:


Are you using IE5 the least standards compliant browser from MS, or IE6 that is better but still non compliant, or IE7 which is almost compliant or IE8 which can be compliant or not depending on how each user sets it up during the IE8 install.

If you design your site to be standards compliant, you should not get complaints. Now that IE8 has the ability to be standards compliant, you may get less complaints from the visitors to you site that use the standards compliant Firefox browser. You could also get complaints from other browsers such as Opera and Safari.
User 414501 Photo

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564 posts

The main problem here is that VSD does not have text wrap, so the only way I can put images inside text is to create multiple text boxes. Not only does that take FOREVER, but where the text boxes start and stop is where text overlaps.

Just today I viewed on a Mac and the text was mis-aligned all over the place.

This, in my opinion, is the most significant and pressing problem with VSD. I'll accept any and all suggestions on how to overcome this problem :-)

The worst page for text overlap is this one: … icles.html
Chad Spillars
"Look I finally made myself a signature!"
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Chad - I just took another look. The problem could lie in the fact that you are not using a web core font - I think you have Candara or similar, correct? Inevitably this will mean that who does not have that font installed, will see the site in a default such as Arial, Verdana, Helvetica etc. There are only about a dozen fonts which are default with all OS. I notice that there is also Arial in there, but the Candara could be messing things up.
User 414501 Photo

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564 posts

That's funny that you mention that because I did some research on that and thought that Candara WAS a web core font.... shows how much I know hahaha!

Thanks for the suggestion I will definitely take a look at that. A little trick with VSD (which I know you dont use) is if you give text a shadow it becomes an image and then looks the same on all browsers, that's how I get my Disney fonts to show up 100% of the time.

By the way, I have been unable to find the editors forum you were referring me to...
Chad Spillars
"Look I finally made myself a signature!"
User 244141 Photo

1,209 posts

Chad, you may want to check out It will check your site against a lot of browsers/operating systems simultaneously.

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User 463058 Photo

1,084 posts

Chad Spillars wrote:
That's funny that you mention that because I did some research on that and thought that Candara WAS a web core font.... shows how much I know hahaha!

It is a web font, just not one of the core fonts. … _Web_Fonts
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Chad - I just meant the cc web design forum … velopment/
Hope you have some luck.
User 143086 Photo

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Here is my latest sites:


Description: Beekeeping Information


Name: Herb Gardening information

Thank you in advance for any feedback and comments.

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