So, What's Your Website - Page 46 -...

User 476017 Photo

375 posts

Hi Peter
Just had a look at your site.
Very impressive for your first site.
I have been looking for some software or coding to create round corner boxes like you have on the right hand side of some pages.
Is that a Coffee Cup product ?
I can produce them via Firefox & Chrome but IE7/8 is not supported
How do you produce those boxes especialy for IE 7 .
Dave Butler

Old Rishworthians Rugby Union Football club
Tuxedo Junction Yorkshire Function Band
The Commons Guest House
all created with Coffee Cup html editor
User 282670 Photo

Registered User
3,940 posts

Hi Dave,
if your using VSD then the simple way without any coding would be
of course practice makes perfect. Nice sites Dave and Peter....

User 476017 Photo

375 posts

Hi Bruzer
Thanks for the reply. Looks like this could be a solution to get over pesky IE7/8.
Not used VSD before but I'll download a trial version and have a go.

Something new to get to grips with on a rainy day (We get plenty of them in the UK!!!!) .
Dave Butler

Old Rishworthians Rugby Union Football club
Tuxedo Junction Yorkshire Function Band
The Commons Guest House
all created with Coffee Cup html editor
User 117752 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

Here is one of my sites. It's a fan site for a singer, song writer, bassist named Rinat. She has fronted numerous bands such as Yeah Right, Alone, and Sphera. Her newest band is called Curious and her music has been heard on various Mtv shows.

..::Rinat Central::..
User 528054 Photo

Registered User
209 posts

Hello Dave,

Well, I may resort to doing things differently sometimes... I make my own.

The round corner images.... are in fact square!. I grab the screen area I'd like to use for the image with Windows Clippings, then sent it to image editor, where I can border them with whatever I like.

I floodfill the outside with the background colour so the round part of the image is the only bit you can see...

All a bit basic I am afraid, but it works well.....

User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

You don't have to go over to VSD for your rounded corners. Continue with the HTML Editor and add some css for your rounded corners.
Here is one site for info and resources: … -with-css/

If you "google" rounded corners, css - you can find others, but this site seems to offer several alternative methods which you might like to experiment with.

If you do find that something works well for you, save the block of code as a snippet so that you can use it over again. To save it, drag your cursor to highlight the code you are interested in - right click and half way down the pop up menu you will see "save as snippet". Just give the snippet a name and you will be able to find it in the snippets - (snippets tab on left of the Editor workspace in the resources browser ). A quick double click on the snippet name will insert the snippet into your page of code whenever you need it. Alternatively you can drag the snippet into the area of the page you want it.
User 244141 Photo

1,209 posts

Janys, great resource! I used curvy corners on one of my projects a while back and it worked great.
Web Design:
Member - BBB: Websnoogie, LLC

User 476017 Photo

375 posts

Hi Janys
Thanks for those links on rounded corners. I also came across a handy java script at … ">
Now evaluating various possibilities.
I thought I was onto a wnner in VSD, I created a rounded corner box to my liking then found it creates a vnu file and cannot be inserted into html editor 2009. SEarching the CC forum I soon found VSD & html editor do not go together.
As I am fairly new to CC is there any CC software similar to VSD that can create shapes, text,buttons etc and then be able to insert any CSS/html code into the html 2009 editor.?
I know there is Photoshop but its expensive & for me a" sledgehammer to crack a nut" Would be great to have a CC software thats in my budget and provides this fantastic level of support
thanks for your time Janys
Dave Butler

Old Rishworthians Rugby Union Football club
Tuxedo Junction Yorkshire Function Band
The Commons Guest House
all created with Coffee Cup html editor
User 476017 Photo

375 posts

Hi Janys
Thanks for those links on rounded corners. I also came across a handy java script at … ">
Now evaluating various possibilities.
I thought I was onto a wnner in VSD, I created a rounded corner box to my liking then found it creates a vnu file and cannot be inserted into html editor 2009. SEarching the CC forum I soon found VSD & html editor do not go together.
As I am fairly new to CC is there any CC software similar to VSD that can create shapes, text,buttons etc and then be able to insert any CSS/html code into the html 2009 editor.?
I know there is Photoshop but its expensive & for me a" sledgehammer to crack a nut" Would be great to have a CC software thats in my budget and provides this fantastic level of support
thanks for your time Janys
Dave Butler

Old Rishworthians Rugby Union Football club
Tuxedo Junction Yorkshire Function Band
The Commons Guest House
all created with Coffee Cup html editor
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

I had misunderstood - sorry. I thought you were already using the CC Editor.

You don't have to spend the earth on image software - GIMP for instance is open source and completely free.
An alternative might be the Adobe Photoshop Elements (which I use most of the time) which is a scaled down version of Photoshop but more than adequate for most people's needs. Another one is Jasc Paint Shop Pro. You don't have to buy the latest versions of either of these, but could easily pick up older versions for far less on ebay.
Don't forget that CC has graphics' packages too - you could purchase one of those and maybe adapt it to your needs.

For more specific help with VSD issues and tips and tricks, go to the CC Web Design and Development forums.

and Dave - I see lots of round corners in the rugby site! Talking of rugby - hubby played, brother played, brother-in-law and niece played so it is quite a family tradition round here!

I agree - it looks pretty useful as a resource and gives quite a few alternative methods which is good.

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