So, What's Your Website - Page 47 -...

User 476017 Photo

375 posts

Janys Hyde wrote:
I had misunderstood - sorry. I thought you were already using the CC Editor.

You don't have to spend the earth on image software - GIMP for instance is open source and completely free.
An alternative might be the Adobe Photoshop Elements (which I use most of the time) which is a scaled down version of Photoshop but more than adequate for most people's needs. Another one is Jasc Paint Shop Pro. You don't have to buy the latest versions of either of these, but could easily pick up older versions for far less on ebay.
Don't forget that CC has graphics' packages too - you could purchase one of those and maybe adapt it to your needs.

For more specific help with VSD issues and tips and tricks, go to the CC Web Design and Development forums.

and Dave - I see lots of round corners in the rugby site! Talking of rugby - hubby played, brother played, brother-in-law and niece played so it is quite a family tradition round here!

I agree - it looks pretty useful as a resource and gives quite a few alternative methods which is good.

Hi Janys
Thanks again for the info on graphics software and web design forums. I will have a look at them over the weekend.
Sorry I have confused you. I became involved with websites when I took over our rugby club site which had been created using Frontpage. When Microsoft stopped developing it I started to look elsewhere and a friend put me onto CC and suggested I would be better learning CSS/html. I now use the CC html editor initialy to convert the site which is showing its age and a bit clunky.
It was very much table based and I am converting to use CSS (a big job). I am now looking to develop my skills further and make some use of graphics eg (rounded corners for starters). I have put some on the rugby club site as a test using some javascript DD roundies.
You mention CC has graphics software Can you advise which ones I should also consider. My preference is to go down the CC html editor route rather than VSD. I also use form builder and GIF animator.
Which rugby club do your family play for?.j
Dave Butler

Old Rishworthians Rugby Union Football club
Tuxedo Junction Yorkshire Function Band
The Commons Guest House
all created with Coffee Cup html editor
User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts

Dave Butler wrote:

I thought I was onto a wnner in VSD, I created a rounded corner box to my liking then found it creates a vnu file and cannot be inserted into html editor 2009. SEarching the CC forum I soon found VSD & html editor do not go together.


The VSD .vnu file is just to tell VSD how to program the website. Try looking at the files created by VSD, and you will find many images, and html files. Any of the images and html files can be used with the HTML Editor.
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

You mention CC has graphics software Can you advise which ones I should also consider.

I just went to look at the graphics available in the online store and now realise that the ones I had in mind do not seem to be available. Perhaps Bill knows what happened to all the buttons etc.?

But having said that, as it sounds as if you are now working on your css, you can get some really cool rollover effects with that... here is a template I am adapting to my needs which started out as a very basic generated template. ... more than anything I am messing about with the php to handle the form at the bottom of the page and adding in some useful comments, but in the menu you can see what css can do. For this one the graphic "button" is sliced into small parts so that it will "stretch" to fit the text content which is laid out in an unordered list.

The behaviour of the list is controlled by the css (contained in a separate file).

In my example I have used actual graphics, but you can use css to add colours, margins and padding in your menu, using a different colour for each phase of the link (hover, active etc.) all to great effect. husband played for Venice, Italy - his brother for Mestre - our niece was in the under-15s and my brother played up until the age of about 20 I seem to recall - getting some impressive results, but I would have to ask him with whom as I was already over here in Italy...
User 476017 Photo

375 posts

BillR wrote:


The VSD .vnu file is just to tell VSD how to program the website. Try looking at the files created by VSD, and you will find many images, and html files. Any of the images and html files can be used with the HTML Editor.

Hi Bill
Thanks for the VSD info. I must admit I did not investigate VSDt further when I saw the file type generated and viewed some forums indicating editor and VSD do not interface. I will return to VSD and dig further to see if I can make use of the html files generated by VSD. All good stuff to keep the brain cells active. These forums are a great means of finding/exchanging information and can save hours of research time.
Best regards
Dave Butler

Old Rishworthians Rugby Union Football club
Tuxedo Junction Yorkshire Function Band
The Commons Guest House
all created with Coffee Cup html editor
User 476017 Photo

375 posts

[quote=Janys Hyde]

I just went to look at the graphics available in the online store and now realise that the ones I had in mind do not seem to be available. Perhaps Bill knows what happened to all the buttons etc.?

Hi Janys
Thanks once again for the info. I am starting to get to grips with CSS now. I found the CC book on website design very handy and recommend novice users spend a few dollars and buy it. I am OK working with text on my sites but when it comes to images/graphics well lets just say its not yet one of my strengths. Hence I was looking to see if CC had any software to get me going.
I will take a look at your template it will give me more food for thought. Bill has got my creative juices flowing with his note. It seems that VSD creates image and html files which can perhaps be used to modify and insert into web pages. So plenty to work on over next few days.
Many thanks for your time and advice.
Best regards
Dave Butler

Old Rishworthians Rugby Union Football club
Tuxedo Junction Yorkshire Function Band
The Commons Guest House
all created with Coffee Cup html editor
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Do feel free to take out any code that might help, and here is the actual css file you can copy to your own machine.
I must warn you that I will be removing both the html and the css by mid week, so if there is anything you need, do copy or save at the earlierst. Also note that I had included the wrong url for the web page which should have been The first url I posted was not compatible with IE, but this one is.

You will be able to see the workings of the css code which should all be standards compliant (as should the html also) see extra line above with new url

All the best and once you get into hand coding it is very stimulating seeing that you can have greater control over your content.
User 349923 Photo

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89 posts


Name: Me

Party Pics and videos of locals and visitors having fun on Lake Havasu and the Sandbar. Website is updated almost daily. No nude pics

Tools Used: CoffeeCup VisualSite Designer -Video - Pic Converter - Photo Gallery - Jukebox - Menu Builder - Form Builder - Blogger

Authors/Team: Me
User 349923 Photo

Registered User
89 posts


Name: Me
Cosmetic website currently and always under construction

Tools Used: CoffeeCup VisualSite Designer -Jukebox - Form Builder - Menu Builder

Authors/Team: Me
User 434978 Photo

Registered User
4 posts


Name: The Smile Team - Dentist

Description: A website for my Australian Dental practice created in 2007 and perhaps due for an update.

Tools Used: CoffeeCup Visual Site Designer, Flash Firestarter, Photo Gallery. Adobe photoshop. Stockxpert purchased images. I'm about to use Flash search and add Logos onto the website soon!

Authors/Team: Me, and a lot of background research on designs/colours. Took about 40-60 hours to do.

Problems encountered: Uploading sometimes missed images, meaning I ended up with mismatched or streched logos in the wrong places! Thankfully this issue has been overcome of late.

I love this thread btw. So interesting to see what Coffeecup has helped to create.

Wouldn't it be great if coffeecup could run a page / or directory showing everyone's pages. Maybe with a rating system and comments to support each other's work!

Anyone from Coffee Cup reading this?

User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Hi Brad - if an advisor counts, yes I read all this - but our times make it difficult. When I am up and about you are probably snoring!

No harm in your going into the suggestion thread with this one of yours.

Nice clean and tidy looking site you have there.

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