I had misunderstood - sorry. I thought you were already using the CC Editor.
You don't have to spend the earth on image software - GIMP for instance is open source and completely free.
An alternative might be the Adobe Photoshop Elements (which I use most of the time) which is a scaled down version of Photoshop but more than adequate for most people's needs. Another one is Jasc Paint Shop Pro. You don't have to buy the latest versions of either of these, but could easily pick up older versions for far less on ebay.
Don't forget that CC has graphics' packages too - you could purchase one of those and maybe adapt it to your needs.
For more specific help with VSD issues and tips and tricks, go to the CC Web Design and Development forums.
and Dave - I see lots of round corners in the rugby site! Talking of rugby - hubby played, brother played, brother-in-law and niece played so it is quite a family tradition round here!
I agree - it looks pretty useful as a resource and gives quite a few alternative methods which is good.
Hi Janys
Thanks again for the info on graphics software and web design forums. I will have a look at them over the weekend.
Sorry I have confused you. I became involved with websites when I took over our rugby club site which had been created using Frontpage. When Microsoft stopped developing it I started to look elsewhere and a friend put me onto CC and suggested I would be better learning CSS/html. I now use the CC html editor initialy to convert the site which is showing its age and a bit clunky.
It was very much table based and I am converting to use CSS (a big job). I am now looking to develop my skills further and make some use of graphics eg (rounded corners for starters). I have put some on the rugby club site as a test using some javascript DD roundies.
You mention CC has graphics software Can you advise which ones I should also consider. My preference is to go down the CC html editor route rather than VSD. I also use form builder and GIF animator.
Which rugby club do your family play for?.j
Old Rishworthians Rugby Union Football club http://www.orrufc.co.uk
Tuxedo Junction Yorkshire Function Band http://www.riley-tuxedojunction.co.uk
The Commons Guest House http://www.thecommons-guesthouse.co.uk
all created with Coffee Cup html editor