So, What's Your Website - Page 50 -...

User 1948478 Photo

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1,850 posts


A new site by a total novice , i.e. me. This is a site that I am working on for my wife, who is a singer and song writer here in Mozambique

Tools used: All CC: HTML Editor, Photo Gallery, JukeBox, Pix Converter, Color Schemer, Site Mapper,...

This will be a "Work in Progress" for some time to come, while I/we think of additions and changes to make. I want to make it bilingual English/Portuguese, but am not quite sure yet how I'll do that; - Probably as two parallel, complete sets of pages, one in each language, where you choose language on the entry (home-) page and then stay within that language...(?) For now, I have only set up two separate pages for the biography, an English version and a Portuguese version, simply because this is where most of the verbage will be (and the Portuguese version is not even done yet!). Everything else is in English now. Suggestions would be most welcome!

As so many others have done before me, I just have to add a note about the CC team and all the participants in the Forums: I am in absolute awe of the helpfulness and consistently friendly and constructive attitude from everyone! In the very beginning, when I was in the process of buying and downloading the software, I was also a beneficiary of Scott's instant help, transmitted by e-mail, - on a weekend no less! Thanks again Scott!

User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

NIce site Per Svensson,

Looks great in IE8, but has your tables showing borders for the full site almost in FF3.5, not sure how that works between the two, but it does still look good in FF also. Needs a few tweaks to make it look better in FF such as graphic centering in the bottom left corner of home page with the thumbnails there.

I would also suggest you try to make the whole site centered. I think that's one of my biggest pet peaves when on a wide screen monitor when a site goes all to one side lol. Love it when it's all nice and centered so I don't have to turn my monitor or move my chair just to see a site clearly.

Looks great other than that :)
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Wolverana got in just before me with the comment on getting the site centred.
I also suggest that you try to get your horizontal menu in the photo gallery page too so as to give the whole site a harmonious (s'cuse the pun) feel about it. As it stands there is no obvious way to go back or to get to any of the other pages.

Having a couple of parallel sites sounds good as a solution to the language differences. You can always resort to little country flag images/icons so long as you make sure they have their alternative text tags too.

Most interesting content. Looks as if it is all off to a good start.
User 1948478 Photo

Senior Advisor
1,850 posts

Jo Ann and Janis, thank you so much for your feedback! (and so incredibly fast too!) I am really glad I finally posted and asked for suggestions.

I will look into the centering issue this weekend. I am not exactly sure how it is done (the site is all tables), but I am sure I'll figure it out somehow... Since we still don't have much of that wide-screen stuff in Mozambique (!), I had never really thought about it. I was more concerned about not making the site too wide for older, low-resolution monitors...!

I had not tested on FF, so wasn't aware of the visible borders there. As a quick fix, I guess I could just put all border widths to zero...?

Janis, I am a bit puzzled about the missing "horizontal menu in the photo gallery page". The menus in all the pages are handled by the same external style sheet and it shows up OK here on my IE8 setup. Is it possible that the style sheet just did not load, for some reason, when you looked at that page?

I clearly have to get a copy of FF to test with. Then I will probably also understand the issue with "graphic centering in the lower left" on the home page.

Thank you both, again, for taking the time to look at the site!

User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

How strange. I just looked again, and you are absolutely right. It now shows up. Can't imagine what happened there - but of course I retract my comment. The menu has now shown up.

So to get over the centre problem - in your css body
BODY { font-family: Comic Sans MS, Arial, Sans-serif; font-size: small; font-weight: 400;
font-style: normal; color: #C0C0C0; background: #000000;

you should add in:
text-align: center;
then in the div tags you have around all the rest of the content, create a class naming it "content" or something similar
.content { font-family: Comic Sans MS, Arial, Sans-serif; font-size: small; font-weight: 400;
font-style: normal; color: #C0C0C0; background: #000000;

, and then add in
text-align: left;
to solve the issue.
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

There is a site that Bill helped a few of us find that helps you see cross browser problems. This might help you until you get a chance to installed FireFox:

Just type the URL address in the box at the top, click/unclick any browsers you want to see what it looks like in and hit the Submit button. It will then show you thumbnails that you can see larger pics of what your site(s) look like in other browsers. Very helpful little tool :)
User 1948478 Photo

Senior Advisor
1,850 posts

Janys, (First, I must apologize for mis-spelling your name before)

Since all my pages typically are made up of two tables of the same, full width of 900px: one at the top that extends down and includes the horizontal menu as the last item, and then one big table below with all the content such as text, pictures, gallery, etc., it seemed to me that it is the *tables* themselves that need to be centered on the screen. I would then leave everything *inside* the tables (e.g. text, etc.) aligned as it is relative to the table borders. Or am I misunderstanding something here?

User 1948478 Photo

Senior Advisor
1,850 posts

Jo Ann,

Thank you for the tip about

I just submitted and am now waiting for results. In my haste, I neglected to uncheck browsers, so I'll presumably end up with somewhat of an overkill...

User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

haha ya I did that the first time too lol, you can refresh the page periodically, took about 2 or 3 minutes for mine to get finished so it's not real long :)
User 1948478 Photo

Senior Advisor
1,850 posts

Jo Ann,

42 screen shots (of 45) and counting after 50 minutes...

At first glance, it appears that most if not all of the Windows-based browsers, incl. FF3.5, show no borders on the screen shots, but some of the others do. Which OS are you using when you see borders in FF3.5?

Something else I noticed is that the image in the upper RH corner overlaps downwards a bit, almost into the menu area, in some of the browsers. I suspected before that I had some alignment problems with images, so that's something I need to look into. This is a great and quick way to test with a bunch of browsers!


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