A new site by a total novice , i.e. me. This is a site that I am working on for my wife, who is a singer and song writer here in Mozambique
Tools used: All CC: HTML Editor, Photo Gallery, JukeBox, Pix Converter, Color Schemer, Site Mapper,...
This will be a "Work in Progress" for some time to come, while I/we think of additions and changes to make. I want to make it bilingual English/Portuguese, but am not quite sure yet how I'll do that; - Probably as two parallel, complete sets of pages, one in each language, where you choose language on the entry (home-) page and then stay within that language...(?) For now, I have only set up two separate pages for the biography, an English version and a Portuguese version, simply because this is where most of the verbage will be (and the Portuguese version is not even done yet!). Everything else is in English now. Suggestions would be most welcome!
As so many others have done before me, I just have to add a note about the CC team and all the participants in the Forums: I am in absolute awe of the helpfulness and consistently friendly and constructive attitude from everyone! In the very beginning, when I was in the process of buying and downloading the software, I was also a beneficiary of Scott's instant help, transmitted by e-mail, - on a weekend no less! Thanks again Scott!