So, What's Your Website - Page 52 -...

User 440011 Photo

Registered User
106 posts

Hi Janys,

If you hate pets then such a site like mine can become annoying, especially when the little galoping horse shows up. You won't believe me if I say that I spent hours only on this particular element of my page. It does what it was intended to do, show the way to go in a very original presentation.

You don't like it and I accept your opinion but, don't make this the center of your critics, the little horse as very little importance compared to the hours, days and weeks I spent building my site.

Take a coffee cup and next time if you don't like pets, press the red X at the top right corner of your browser. Believe me, my site or any other web sites will allow you to go back where you came from.

Survival of the fittest
User 476017 Photo

375 posts

QuBik wrote:

Name: Andre Pouliot

Description: My website is dedicated to Country Music lovers.

Tools Used: CoffeeCup Photo Gallery, Web Video Player, Web Jukebox, Image Mapper, Visual Site Designer and a few other softs from Adobe)

Authors/Team: Me and I

I first created my site in 2008, improved my original version later in the year to end with the 2009 edition and finally, worked on it again these last days.

My last improvement is the addition of a functionality called «TabTuner»
You Copy a song with chords, paste it into the textbox. Select the desired key change, then click Transpose. The transposed song will appear at the bottom.

I must here give credit to «Bright Web Media»:

who authorized me to embed their transpose functionality into my page

I have no clue what could be improved or added to my site. Up to you to comment.


Hi Qubik
Nice site but I struggled to navigate around.
No obvious navigation links.
A navigation menu bar would be a big help.].
Thats my only comment
Dave Butler

Old Rishworthians Rugby Union Football club
Tuxedo Junction Yorkshire Function Band
The Commons Guest House
all created with Coffee Cup html editor
User 1948478 Photo

Senior Advisor
1,850 posts

Hi QuBik,

I was intrigued by the exchange of comments so far, so I had to take a look.
I came up with the following observations:

1. I believe the horse is 'trotting' - or something like that - rather than 'galloping'; - no?
2. It took me a while to realize that the horse - trotting to the left - is actually the key to finding your way back, trot-by-trot so to speak...
3. I still could not find any direct path back to the home page from subsequent pages.
4. Seriously, though, it is a very creative and pretty site.

Disclaimer, just to be on the safe side:
I would not want to make any comment, on this particular site, that could in the remotest of ways be interpreted as negative criticism!

User 440011 Photo

Registered User
106 posts

Thanx for your comments, I will have a look on my site this week and see what I can do.

I thought the little «trotting» horse (thanx Per), was self explanatory: trotting to the left to be back to the main page, trotting to the right to go a page further. By the way, the first page that loads is just an introductory page that loads the main page from which you can go wherever you want. There are buttons to navigate, the jukebox button to visit Jukebox City and the videocity button to visit Video City.

I also thought this would be amazing to add a «Divided Road» page instead of jumping directly to Video City or Jukebox City. This way, I opened the door to future development, it will then be easier to add a road sign to get you somewhere else.

Time will determine.
Survival of the fittest
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

If you hate pets then such a site like mine can become annoying

I never said I "hate pets"...
I said, one of my "pet hates", which means that something annoys me somewhat and has nothing whatsoever to do with animals at all.

I also did not say that I was unable to navigate around your web site, but that when I am on the home page, I am unable to leave your site and return to the browser page I entered your site from. Every time I click on the browser back button, I just refresh your home page and am unable to leave your site.

If you are not happy about having criticism you should not add your site here. Every one of us is entitled to an opinion and we each have personal preferences. In no way did I imply that you had not put a lot of time and effort into creating your web site, and in my opening comment, I mentioned your creativity and individual style.

Next time you add a site, make it very clear that you do NOT want any comments. But perhaps you should do a little research into site accessibility too.
User 440011 Photo

Registered User
106 posts


Sorry I misunderstood you and I apologize. Please be careful next time you qualify something like being annoying, this respond to your own personal taste.

I have an introductory page which automatically load the main page after the display of some elements. This is done with a refresh command. Doing so, prevents the user to leave my site and return to the browser page he/she entered my site from. Any effort actually will reload the introductory page and the user will go round and round.

I will have to rethink this approach but, for the time being, I have absolutely no clue if this could easily be bypassed. If not then I will throw this introductory page to the dogs and start in a normal manner.
Survival of the fittest
User 1948478 Photo

Senior Advisor
1,850 posts

Upon reflection, I realize that my rare excursion into tongue-in-cheek-land was quite inadequate. Janys makes a most important point when she says that "...If you are not happy about having criticism you should not add your site here..." The whole point is to get critique, and thereby valuable information, from other forum participants. If we show sensitivity to honest, direct critique, we are likely to scare away those who have valid, important comments, but may not post them because they are afraid of offending somebody. If we feel that a particular comment is unfair, I am sure we are mature enough to simply disregard it, if we so choose.

So, let's be receptive to critique. That's how we will make better sites!

User 440011 Photo

Registered User
106 posts

This was not the point Per and I am very opened to criticism. I misunderstood her and apologized.

One must be careful though to not criticized a particular element when this becomes relevant of your personal taste:
..."The galloping horse is a little annoying and might usefully be replaced with one of those cute road signs you have used throughout the site, indicating the home page or exit..." she said

The little horse is there to stay because it is the fruit of hours of work and its very country style. Since Janys intervention, I've tried to find a workaround. I should come with an acceptable solution and like I said in my previous intervention, if not, I will throw the introductory page to the waste basket. And to conclude, the little horse is not a factor to the problem, the refresh command within the introductory page is.

I'm glad to have submitted my page to this forum, I was really not aware of the problem.

Thanx to ya'll
Survival of the fittest
User 1948478 Photo

Senior Advisor
1,850 posts


You're right, - and I did not really mean to continue beating a dead horse! (sorry, - just couldn't resist it...)

I was really more interested in the general, rather than than the specific, issue: There is always the danger of descending into the abyss of excessive politeness, marked by mutual admiration, repressed opinions and consequent lack of progress.

I promise this to be my last post on this topic, - for the time being...

You do have a great site though, albeit with a quirk or two.


User 148353 Photo

808 posts

I did not notice the inability to go back to a previous website since I opted to open it in a new tab. However, I tried it out and I also do not like that. The couple of website I have visited that have done that have made me very nervous. Like there was some reason the site creator did not want me to leave their site. At that point, I usually close my browser and reopen.
"Time heals everything. Know who said that? My Latin teacher at barber college!"
- Floyd Lawson

Widoktadwat - "Plays Well With Others"

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