So, What's Your Website - Page 53 -...

User 440011 Photo

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done with this.... the horse is riding again Per... «reviving from the death» ...

I replaced the introductory page and got rid of the refresh command which seems to have been the source of the problem. I'm not entirely satisfied and will probably never be but, atleast it works and people can now go back from where they came from.

A special thanx to Janys without who, I would have never been aware of the
problem and I agree with all of you who commented, keeping someone stuck to your page is unacceptable.

Take care ya'll
Survival of the fittest
User 1948478 Photo

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Janys and Jo Ann,

Just briefly, by means of 'closing': I did update my site over the weekend with your suggestions regarding centering the page, etc. Your detailed coding help, Janys, helped me a lot and also made me pursue similar, and other, topics more thoroughly at
So I ended up doing some code cleanup and fixed some image placement/alignment problems, that I hope will make the site more 'stable' across browsers and different OSs. The screen shots look better now, Jo Ann!

So, thanks again! Your input did much more in the way of help and 'push forward' than you can imagine. (then the exuberance, somewhat regrettably, went a bit overboard in my input into other conversations, but that's a different story...)
User 122279 Photo

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Hi QuBik, long time since we last spoke.

It's a long time since I have opened your site now. It was when you had the opening page with the car crash and then the rusted car wreck. I liked that.

I don't like the intro page you have now, and by the attached screenshot you will see why. Just a small video at the top and a lot of black emptyness, then the Enter sign way down at the bottom.

I have never found it difficult to navigate the site, BTW, maybe because I was following the development when you created it (When was that? Two years ago?)
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 122279 Photo

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I have to add that the above screen shot was how I see the intro page using FireFox, latest version.

I tried viewing the page also in IE8, and that was totally different, as the following screen shot will show.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 440011 Photo

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QuBik wrote:
Hi Inger,
ltns yeah right ...

I understand what you mean, I had a look at the first jpg file... awfull.
The second one is ok. I programmed my site according to the two
most popular browsers, I.E. and Netscape but today, people have
a lot more choices and it becomes a little harder to handle all their
particularities or limits.

I will run a test with the «car crash intro» I had two years ago and
see if it is more convenient.

Thanx for your comment and take care
Survival of the fittest
User 440011 Photo

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Hi you all,

I wonder why I did not keep the approach I had two years ago, its lighter
and faster and, the car crash and the desert road are better than what I
loaded these last days. I'm back in time with these elements.

I still need to adapt my pages to the new browsers of today if this can be
done with not that much efforts of course. Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari,
Opera, Internet Explorer and Netscape are probably the top most. Time
will determine.

Till then, thanx again Inger for your comments and to all of you.
Survival of the fittest
User 440011 Photo

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Could someone delete my post of today 9:08am... I just realized that I
posted it again at 9:24am. I can repost or quote but there ain't no delete

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User 122279 Photo

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Not sure if Netscape still counts among the 'big' ones. IE and FF certainly do. (Using FF on Linux right now)
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

No hassle - glad you managed to sort things in the end.

You might like to check out this page of stats to see which browsers are worth bothering with these days:
I have to say that I have found it much easier to install all of the browsers on my own machine as some of the online browser screenshots with can take quite some time to be ready for viewing. You can always change your own screen resolution to see how different resolutions affect your site too. On a Windows PC you just right click from your desktop view and change the properties. Don't know how that works with other OS though.

Having said that, the does offer shots of a lot of older browser versions. Don't forget for non-Mac users that you can now install Safari on a PC too which is useful. As Inger says, Netscape is no longer really in the running so look at the main five ie. Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome and Opera. And for those of you now familiar with css, just remember that you still occasionally have to play a few tricks to get IE to see what you want it to see!
User 440011 Photo

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106 posts

The lack of ActiveX support is part of what makes Firefox or Opera safer than
Internet Explorer and by design, these browsers do not display web pages
exactly the way Internet Explorer does. Fortunately, many of the page
rendering differences are minor.

But, I came across a major problem, my car crash video does not work at all
under Firefox. This is a media player component and I'll have to work on this.
Survival of the fittest

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