Hi Inger, Jayns, CC Advisors, finally getting back to the forum, doctor saya I might be able to return to work next week.
Well, a friend of mine had a website built by someone who hasscince retired and asked me if I could take it over and bring it up to date. I should have said no (I'm not a professional webdesigner you know) but Ihad his domain trans ferred to my hosting company and am now struggling to getthe pages together. I believe it was originally done in css with a template and hosted by Yahoo.
Here's what I've done so far
Having a bit of trouble with the calendar though, can't seem to figure out how to keep the dates from dissapearing when I add new events. Shouldn't you be able to add events from within the website instead of having to open the program and uploading new events? Like the calendars in outlook and yahoo mail.
http://florencefamilyfitness.net/calendar.html There should be an event for Oct 23, 24, 25, 30 and 31 Also is there a way to change the font siz and color of the event that drops down? Or is it only that very large red?