So, What's Your Website - Page 54 -...

User 122279 Photo

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14,596 posts

I wouldn't say that, Qubik!

Earlier today I was watching the car crash video on a Linux machine with FF. Now I'm at home with my desktop Vista Home Premium, and I have just watched the same video - again with FF. There was some loading time, but everything went well.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 440011 Photo

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106 posts

As I don't need to synchronize the sound track and the movie clip they are now loaded independantly of each other on the main page. The page now loads a lot faster.

I'm not at ease with actionscript3 (I use Flash CS4) and really don't know how to load a web page at the end of the desert crash video; getURL is no more supported. I use a temp solution and put a delay in the web page but, this is not easy to synchronize with the end of the clip. I still have to work on this particular part of my web page. The ultime solution is to load the next page within the swf file.

Finally, I need to play tricks to make all these top browsers behave like I want them to. My tylenol bottle in onsight.
Survival of the fittest
User 12657 Photo

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616 posts

Hi Inger, Jayns, CC Advisors, finally getting back to the forum, doctor saya I might be able to return to work next week.

Well, a friend of mine had a website built by someone who hasscince retired and asked me if I could take it over and bring it up to date. I should have said no (I'm not a professional webdesigner you know) but Ihad his domain trans ferred to my hosting company and am now struggling to getthe pages together. I believe it was originally done in css with a template and hosted by Yahoo.
Here's what I've done so far

Having a bit of trouble with the calendar though, can't seem to figure out how to keep the dates from dissapearing when I add new events. Shouldn't you be able to add events from within the website instead of having to open the program and uploading new events? Like the calendars in outlook and yahoo mail. There should be an event for Oct 23, 24, 25, 30 and 31 Also is there a way to change the font siz and color of the event that drops down? Or is it only that very large red?
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Hi there Big M
Nice to know you are picking up and still turning your hand to the web sites!
I think that the calendar application must have generated a css file along with all the other bits you had to upload... is that correct?
If that is the case, you should be able to open that up and make your changes (red text and font sizes for instance) and then save and re-upload.
I am not quite sure how to answer the problem about the missing dates. Maybe Inger knows or maybe there is something already in the specific forum threads for the calendar.
Unless the calendar is part of a content management system (cms) you are not going to be able to make changes in the online interface.
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,596 posts

Hi Mustafa! Good to see you here again!

The calendar has no css file, the sesign is all in a xml file, and the contents are stored in the swf file. Therefore one needs the programme installed in order to enter new events.

I haven't had any missing dates, so I'm no help there.

That site you are working on looks quite comprehensive. Good luck with that!
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 440011 Photo

Registered User
106 posts

I wasn't aware that it could be done that way.... I I use Flash CS4 and thought I was confined to AS3 which is false; I can use AS1 or AS2 as well.

I solved my problem with the car crash movie, got rid of the delay which was hard to synchronize with the end of the clip and inserted a getURL in the last frame of the flash movie. btw, getURL is no more supported in AS3 and the new action is more complicated.

I can non concentrate of the numerous particularities of the top browsers.

Have phun ya'll... snowing in here, winter is there to stay for the next 7 months.
Survival of the fittest
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Well it's far from finished, and the them will get changes and tweaks as I go too hehe, but it's getting started. I can't get all the categories to show other than in the mouse over on the list so I'm still working on that issue, but it's a shop start lol. Lots to enter yet, doesn't have a lot of products in it yet but it's getting there too.

Pay no attention to the home page as it's nothing yet either lol.
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,596 posts

QuBik, the car crash is now loading fast, too fast actually. I only see the last bit of the car before it disappears in the dust.

I also see a white rectangle for a fraction of a second both before the movie starts and also after it is finished, before the page turns to the wrecked car.

I'm hard to please, ain't I? :P
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

I guess that means that QuBik has created the movie with a white background instead of a black one if the white rectangle appears first.

I also found that the movie was over before I had time to see anything so perhaps slowing down the frames would help there.
User 440011 Photo

Registered User
106 posts

oh boy! boy!

Not easy to get it run perfectly.

Inger, I made some changes to the car crash movie so it now shows the entire car race. I got rid of the «fade in» which was the source of the problem.

For a reason I ignore, the clip shows the first frame just before loading the Desert Road page. It simply should not because I use the param «_self» in the actionscript and as far as I know, _self specifies the current frame in the current window which is a black colored frame I inserted at the end of the clip.

You were right Janys, I had created the movie with a white background. It should now be ok if only I can make it work 100% good.
Survival of the fittest

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