So, What's Your Website - Page 56 -...

User 440011 Photo

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106 posts


For the year 2010 of course... gawd 2010 retries... I would have given up long before... lol
Survival of the fittest
User 440011 Photo

Registered User
106 posts

Done with my site for now...

I added a link to a web radio till I receive my own licence and will then broadcast from my station.

I got rid of all intro stuff and now welcome visitors directly on the main page.

The little trotting horse is still active but people can use the back button from their browser as well.

Survival of the fittest
User 2006507 Photo

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18 posts

Couple of them, basically a place for people to write articles for free.
I am a biotech professional. | (accounts receivables)
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Nice Sammy, although I'm curious, why 2 sites basically the same things?
User 2006507 Photo

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18 posts

Hi Wolverana,
My stupidity I guess :).. ( kidding) .. is a new project, I am still working on upgrading it to a better technology, from what it is now. I do have some ideas and hoping that it will mature by end of the year.

I checked your NORTH BALDWIN Literacy Council site .. pretty good website ..
I am a biotech professional. | (accounts receivables)
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Thanks Sammy, most appreciated :) GL on your sites.
User 12657 Photo

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616 posts

Okay, so I'm not really a web designer (most of the older advisors already know that) and I still do most of my work using the old html coding (no templates, ccs or website builders like VSD) but tell me what you think of this It's my photography business site as compared to my personal website
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Nice Site Mustafa, love the gallery zoomins looks great. I would make a few suggestions. Take the white background off behind your menu so it's black like the rest of the background. If you're able to host your own pictures on your own server it would be more professional than hosting on something like Photobucket, especially for a photographers site. Add the DPS at the top of your home page so it matches the rest of the site.

Other than that it looks nice. I'm not a fan of 100% width sites, but it looks good even at that so that's not bad, and your photos are nice looking ones also. Good Luck on it :)
User 1892988 Photo

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151 posts

This site ( is build in VSD 6.0.6 for a client.

The only thing that has to be done still is text revision.

What is your opinion?

(the site in my signature is build in NOF11 but with some CC components)
HTML Editor, Visual Site Designer, Web Form Builder, Picture Gallery, Fire Starter,
News Reader, Web Access Manager, Password Wizard
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Looks nice Dick, easy to follow, and even though I'm not a fan of bright colored things, you did well in your combos of colors so that it actually works well together. Nice job.

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