Name: Intelligent Investment Software - Let your profits run, cut your losses short.
Tools: Nvu, PageBreeze, Finally found my mojo with CoffeeHTML
Be careful Grandroff - it looks to me as if you are using Geneva as one of your font choices...
and for some reason, the Drupal org has this to say about the Tahoma font...
My only comment would be that the logo image needs cleaning up a bit as the text is not I said in an earlier post, it is not wise to scale images up or down from their original size. In this case the original was 280 x 110 and you have scaled it to 258x116 which inevitably has an effect on the quality. I only checked the logo, but this might be the case with your other images also. Use an image editor to change the dimensions, but remember to keep a copy of the original of course in case you have second thoughts or need to use a different size in another context.
Spinny - really nice work!
and Inger - I think we are going for steel - less maintenance! Thanks for your help.
and for some reason, the Drupal org has this to say about the Tahoma font...
My only comment would be that the logo image needs cleaning up a bit as the text is not I said in an earlier post, it is not wise to scale images up or down from their original size. In this case the original was 280 x 110 and you have scaled it to 258x116 which inevitably has an effect on the quality. I only checked the logo, but this might be the case with your other images also. Use an image editor to change the dimensions, but remember to keep a copy of the original of course in case you have second thoughts or need to use a different size in another context.


Janys, you always have the very best resources for web designers.

Web Design:
Member - BBB: Websnoogie, LLC
Member - BBB: Websnoogie, LLC
My latest version of
In other sites I have always used a "landing page or "splash page" whatever you may call it...for my index page. In other words... a page that loads quickly, has the logo and a few tidbits of text, with an enter button. With this one; my index is the same as the other pages.
Used dreamweaver and "curvitude" (which I modified) from a company called Project 7
Critiques / advice welcomed
If nothing else...there are some decent recipes on
By the way... CC Tom, thanks for the link to nifty cube. Very cool stuff.
In other sites I have always used a "landing page or "splash page" whatever you may call it...for my index page. In other words... a page that loads quickly, has the logo and a few tidbits of text, with an enter button. With this one; my index is the same as the other pages.
Used dreamweaver and "curvitude" (which I modified) from a company called Project 7
Critiques / advice welcomed
If nothing else...there are some decent recipes on
By the way... CC Tom, thanks for the link to nifty cube. Very cool stuff.
Grandroff –
Recognizing that these discussions are about website delivery rather than content, I nevertheless am morally required to object to your website’s title. What that website offers is suited for GAMBLERS, and should not be misrepresented as for investors.
The whole financial industry-and-profession, from salespeople all the way back to “fiduciaries” and Nobel-Prize-winning professors, is engaged in a scamming of the investing public that’s even worse than the heavily publicized recent Wall Street horrors. For 100 million individual investors hoping to build their life savings to meet the needs of their sunset years, the only responsible investment choices are mixes of major-asset-class index funds or equivalent ETFs, blended for appropriate conservative-to-aggressive positioning for the particular investor’s cash flow plan and goals. Instead, the whole financial community dupes these investors into gambles with lower average net returns and much greater uncertainty and risk – and more drained out to feed the financial people fees.
Your website does look interesting – for gamblers. But it should NOT be mislabeled as for investors, luring innocents with the needs of their sunset years at risk. That labeling makes it another cog in the greatest fleece machine in this planet’s history.
Dick Purcell
Recognizing that these discussions are about website delivery rather than content, I nevertheless am morally required to object to your website’s title. What that website offers is suited for GAMBLERS, and should not be misrepresented as for investors.
The whole financial industry-and-profession, from salespeople all the way back to “fiduciaries” and Nobel-Prize-winning professors, is engaged in a scamming of the investing public that’s even worse than the heavily publicized recent Wall Street horrors. For 100 million individual investors hoping to build their life savings to meet the needs of their sunset years, the only responsible investment choices are mixes of major-asset-class index funds or equivalent ETFs, blended for appropriate conservative-to-aggressive positioning for the particular investor’s cash flow plan and goals. Instead, the whole financial community dupes these investors into gambles with lower average net returns and much greater uncertainty and risk – and more drained out to feed the financial people fees.
Your website does look interesting – for gamblers. But it should NOT be mislabeled as for investors, luring innocents with the needs of their sunset years at risk. That labeling makes it another cog in the greatest fleece machine in this planet’s history.
Dick Purcell
Dick Purcell wrote:
Grandroff –
Recognizing that these discussions are about website delivery
Dick Purcell
Grandroff –
Recognizing that these discussions are about website delivery
Dick Purcell
Fixed it for ya.
Jim, Nice-looking site. The color scheme really does it for me!

"You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline - it helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer." -- Frank Zappa
Visit Spinland Studios:
Visit Spinland Studios:
Thanks for the compliments, guys. Long time no see, Janys! Yeah, the design wasn't anything cutting-edge fancy but it tracked what the client wanted, and it was my first time flying solo with just a text editor and my book on XHTML Strict standards. The hardest part for me was getting the CoffeeCup Flash add-ons both to work and to validate under Strict. Once I got that worked out it was smooth sailing.
"You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline - it helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer." -- Frank Zappa
Visit Spinland Studios:
Visit Spinland Studios:
Hi All,
I'm interested on any comments on my first CC site, made with VSD,Photo Gallery,Flash menu builder and Web form builder.
Note, more content still to be added.
I'm interested on any comments on my first CC site, made with VSD,Photo Gallery,Flash menu builder and Web form builder.
Note, more content still to be added.
Impressive design! Though not too search engine friendly imho lol. Is that important to you? Also, I can show you how to make the text captions bigger in your photos galleries. It's something you "officially" cannot do in the software but I'll show you how if you want lol!
Here is what I mean: … hotos.html
Also, your photo gallery is not centered inside its own frame. Did you intend for that?
Here is what I mean: … hotos.html
Also, your photo gallery is not centered inside its own frame. Did you intend for that?
Chad Spillars
"Look I finally made myself a signature!"
"Look I finally made myself a signature!"
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