So, What's Your Website - Page 62 -...

User 1948478 Photo

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Jimmy the Sailor wrote:
.......she was born at Mozambique Island (Ilha de Moçambique) and... only portuguese has this word "saudade" to describe our feelings....

OK, so this was a while ago, but it just goes to show I don't forget, - I'm just a bit slow (see image on left!)
The word 'saudade' in this context reminded me of this part of my wife's bio:
(This being the 'Break Room', I trust this to be an acceptable digression!? ;))
User 403435 Photo

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199 posts

Hi, this site is in the process of transferring from Lunar Pages to 1&1 due to cost and other factors. The owners have a neat boat and have great charters on the Chester River in Maryland. It was fun making the site. I wanted to put the buttons for the pages on the top, but they insisted in putting them on the bottom of the page. Sarah
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Nicely done Sarah,

I might suggest a few things though that would make it look much nicer.

The photos are slighting out of focus due to using a smaller photo and trying to blow it up. Might I suggest you see if they can provide you instead with much larger ones that can be scaled down rather than up? This way you can always resize to the size you need going down, scaling up is always less attractive as it takes much of the quality away.

Also just a note that they may want to add a form for reaching them rather than outright posting their email address on the site. This helps to combat much spam as many bots will look for email addresses on sites to add to their spam directories. Using a form for contacting them allows them to control who gets their email address and when you then answer you are in emails and the person that needs it has it and the spammers can take a hike :P

Other than this it looks great, well done!
User 403435 Photo

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199 posts

Thank you so much Jo Ann. It's always so nice to hear a good review. Well, yes,I will ask them for larger pictures. What a very good idea. thanks. I offered to make a contact form, but they did not want it. Strange? Anyway, I appreciate your suggestions tremendously. Really admire your sites. Thanks. Sarah
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Hi Sarah,

Just a couple of things I would add to Jo Ann's suggestions... avoid underlining text if it is not going to be used as a link. That is fine in normal typography for printing purposes, but as underlined text is a recognized convention for links in web page content, it is best avoided except for its proper use.

I see that the button for your site map is a different size to the others. I would be inclined to make that the same size as there is no logical reason for making it smaller.

As to getting better quality images, it looks as if some of them date back to 2006, so it could be you have no access to better quality ones of the originals. So yes - either better versions of those, or a few new ones might be in order.

I was particularly interested in your site content as my husband and I are looking to live on a boat full time, so have begun to take greater interest in all things nautical!
User 432694 Photo

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27 posts

Sarah wrote:
Hi, this site is in the process of transferring from Lunar Pages to 1&1 due to cost and other factors. The owners have a neat boat and have great charters on the Chester River in Maryland. It was fun making the site. I wanted to put the buttons for the pages on the top, but they insisted in putting them on the bottom of the page. Sarah

Looks nice, however I would suggest giving the page a title, currently it just says index.
User 403435 Photo

Registered User
199 posts

Hi Janys, Thank you for your very relavant suggestions. I will remove the underlines, (a graphic designer also just told me not to underline with italics and not to have italics, underlines and caps all in the same place). Hm, don't know why I made the sitemap button smaller, senior moment I guess. The pictures: They said they are going to get new pictures (her mother is a photographer). They love the boat, but live in a house. I personally get terribly seasick, even on the smallest craft. My husband and I used to have a houseboat that he built, but it was docked most of the time.
I really, really love your websites, especially the one with the coffee cup. Superb! Thank you for your comments. Very much appreciated.
User 403435 Photo

Registered User
199 posts

Hi Artlife, thank you for your suggestion to name the home page instead of index. I always get confused as to which place to put which name. As soon as 1&1 tells me I can upload the site I will change that to "Home" I do appreciate the comments. I am learning so much from these forums. Thanks again. Sarah
User 432694 Photo

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27 posts

Sarah wrote:
Hi Artlife, thank you for your suggestion to name the home page instead of index. I always get confused as to which place to put which name. As soon as 1&1 tells me I can upload the site I will change that to "Home" I do appreciate the comments. I am learning so much from these forums. Thanks again. Sarah

Well you want the title to be descriptive, it's what someone will see when they bookmark the site. So the name of the site usually is good for the title. It's what shows in the title bar of the browser window. I don't mean the name of the file itself, that should be index for the main "home" page.

Can you tell me what you prefer about 1&1 compared to Lunarpages?
User 432694 Photo

Registered User
27 posts

I guess I might as well get my free plug in for my websites- is my digital painting site is my main site is the site I made for my husband and his music

None of the sites were made with coffee cup although I use some of their programs for various things (especially the form builder), I got a bunch of them for free when I bought my current hosting a few years ago. I did use coffeecup html years ago for a long time. Not quite sure why I stopped. I use an old version of frontpage for most currently although I edit alot of the code myself since frontpage is annoying lol
I am currently building a site for a client and I am hoping to use the shopping cart pro for part of it.

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