So, What's Your Website - Page 63 -...

User 244141 Photo

1,209 posts

Artlife, I love the graphics for stickman bleeding - really great. :)
Web Design:
Member - BBB: Websnoogie, LLC

User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

When we think of just how much software CC produces these days, I think it would be fair to say that many members in here are using all sorts of editors to produce their pages, but will find that a small handful of CC products help them to refine their web development for other aspects of an application. I am of course referring to flash videos, website fonts, colour schemers, web cams and so on.

Personally I wouldn't know what to do if there was no CC HTML Editor in my web "tool box" and I have never even seen Dreamweaver or similar close up so really cannot say much about it as a program... apart from the fact that everything I have ever purchased from CC seems to compare VERY favourably with all the other so-called big industry names. So really, what I want to say is - don't feel guilty about not using JUST CC, but do let us know when you do use it so that we can compare and discuss our results.

At the end of the day, it is important to try to use a fairly standardized language and set of conventions, but ones which will still allow us all as designers to get results which are right for us and right for our users.

Sarah... much appreciated, but as usual, those for friends get put on the back shelf whilst those that pay get pushed forward!!!
User 2032430 Photo

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6 posts

Artlife wrote:

None of the sites were made with coffee cup although I use some of their programs for various things (especially the form builder), I got a bunch of them for free when I bought my current hosting a few years ago. I did use coffeecup html years ago for a long time. Not quite sure why I stopped. I use an old version of frontpage for most currently although I edit alot of the code myself since frontpage is annoying lol
I am currently building a site for a client and I am hoping to use the shopping cart pro for part of it.

I know what you mean. I have CC but am still jumping back to Nvu from time to time. It is hard to let go of the first love.
User 432694 Photo

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27 posts

James T. Kirk wrote:
Artlife, I love the graphics for stickman bleeding - really great. :)

Thank you, appreciate it :)

I have to say your screen-name/avatar combo really cracks me up.
User 432694 Photo

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27 posts

Janys Hyde wrote:
When we think of just how much software CC produces these days, I think it would be fair to say that many members in here are using all sorts of editors to produce their pages, but will find that a small handful of CC products help them to refine their web development for other aspects of an application. I am of course referring to flash videos, website fonts, colour schemers, web cams and so on.

Personally I wouldn't know what to do if there was no CC HTML Editor in my web "tool box" and I have never even seen Dreamweaver or similar close up so really cannot say much about it as a program... apart from the fact that everything I have ever purchased from CC seems to compare VERY favourably with all the other so-called big industry names. So really, what I want to say is - don't feel guilty about not using JUST CC, but do let us know when you do use it so that we can compare and discuss our results.

At the end of the day, it is important to try to use a fairly standardized language and set of conventions, but ones which will still allow us all as designers to get results which are right for us and right for our users.

Sarah... much appreciated, but as usual, those for friends get put on the back shelf whilst those that pay get pushed forward!!!

I tried Dreamweaver and hated it... I started off many years ago writing the code live online, make a mistake and you couldn't fix it for hours. Then I made the big step up to notepad lol. For a few years I went between HomeSite and CC, and probably gravitated to Frontpage because of stepped up use of Office progs in general. I think my main issue is I simply do not have the time to learn every new thing, and so have to pick and choose what to learn and what to let the prog do for me. In that regard CC progs are useful because they are many specialized programs rather than one big monstrosity.
User 597929 Photo

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1,332 posts

Well, I'm in the middle of re-doing the web site for my studio. I'm not using CC for the build itself but it does feature a web form and an image gallery courtesy of CC apps (two of my staples, actually). Had a brief roadblock when my new computer wouldn't run my apps and I feared it was a 64 bit thing, but then Scott S. pointed out a dunderhead oversight where I hadn't checked the default screen resolution. Now I'm back in business!

The draft site is nearing launch, right now it's up at:

Have some cleaning up, tweaking, alt tag addition, and sundries yet to do on it.

"You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline - it helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer." -- Frank Zappa

Visit Spinland Studios:
User 1948478 Photo

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1,850 posts

This is one nice site, Spinny!
I particularly like your choice of color schemes, and the way you have managed to make gradients and transitions really work for you.
A minimum of color clashes, which are so common elsewhere on the web.
The gradient-transitions of your menu button colors, into the black background below, are very well made!
The only thing that gives me slight pause, would be the backing-background (if you know what I mean!), consisting of beveled blocks in various earth tones. To me, the "busy-ness" of that background clashes with - and draws attention away from - your very clean and serene-looking main viewing area. That is of course just my particular reaction, which may be representative only for a tiny minority of your visitors!
So, in summary: Congratulations on building a site that is very pleasing to the eye!
User 629005 Photo

2,174 posts

Hey Spinner - Great looking site. The only thing I see, that I might change, is the timing of your "Archive Slideshow". Most of the time, I didn't have enough time to read even the short line of text that went with the slide. Just a slightly longer pause would probably be fine.
Living the dream, stocking the cream :D
User 432694 Photo

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27 posts

Spinny wrote:

Have some cleaning up, tweaking, alt tag addition, and sundries yet to do on it.

Your site is nice, I was hoping for higher res images in your gallery though. I don't think the images do justice to the work you do. Not necessarily larger images, but they look as if they are low res and enlarged, giving a very jagged look.
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Yep I would have to agree with Artlife here as I was about to post the same thing and see someone beat me to it lol. You need to scale your gallery down to the size of your images as you already know I'm sure. Scaling them up in the gallery size really makes them lose quality quite a bit taking away from the great art that they really are.

I love the site though for sure, it's a very pleasing place to visit :)

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