So, What's Your Website - Page 66 -...

User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Looks great Janys sweet and simple and to the point which is sometimes just what is needed.

Just a thought on your email situation though, spambots can pick out [at] quite quickly and will know that's an email address in the contact area of each page :P
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Thanks Jo Ann
I already warned my young friend about the email which is why I set up the contact form for him. He just felt that he needed a more obvious way for potential clients to contact him and so felt that a visual email address was essential. Luckily it is his email box and not mine!
User 597929 Photo

Registered User
1,332 posts

Would he be satisfied with an image containing his address? The SEO downside of text-as-image could work to his advantage there.
"You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline - it helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer." -- Frank Zappa

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User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Spinny - you are absolutely right of course. That hadn't even crossed my mind I was in such a rush to get it done and on with some paying work!!! If I can find the time over the weekend, I may well go with that.
Thanks for the suggestion.
User 476017 Photo

375 posts

I have been working on this site for many months now converting it from a mixture of Frontpage 97 and 2003 to css/html (it was all table and html driven no CSS).
Several people have worked on the site over the years each using their own style of web design.
I have tried to standardise as best I can but its a massive website.
Most of the recent and frequently used pages are now converted. I have not converted any old pages yet and may not even attempt it.
I am losing the will to live with the task !!!!!!
I would appreciate your comments/suggestions/improvements that could be made to the site,
Also any browser issues.
The link to the site is
all coding done with CC html editor
The shop using CC SCD/SCC is very much in early development and far from complete
Dave Butler

Old Rishworthians Rugby Union Football club
Tuxedo Junction Yorkshire Function Band
The Commons Guest House
all created with Coffee Cup html editor
User 2000538 Photo

Registered User
1,392 posts

Wow Dave! What a massive job! You are amazing to be tackling that and it looks like you are doing a fabulous job.

Such a lot information packed into that home page and the drop down menus with several layers of sub menus.

I reckon maintaining that site would be like painting the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Never ending.

From a quick look it is has a good feel and easy to see where things are and find your way home which is ever so important on a complex site.

Well done! A chocolate frog for you...

I know you believe you understand what you think I said...but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not exactly what I meant.

User 629005 Photo

2,174 posts

Dave - That looks really nice. I don't remember if I looked at the old site, but I can certainly tell that you have put a lot of blood/sweat/and time into it. Way to Rock!
Living the dream, stocking the cream :D
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

That is one very link intensive site! I don't blame you for wanting to pull your hair out by this time Dave. It's looking pretty good though I must say. It has a few things that I don't know if it's just me or not but the Menu has a couple entries on it that highlight 2 in a row instead of just the one you are mousing over. Looks like a dropdown menu issue as the ones with the dropdowns don't have the problem, but if you are on a menu item that has a dropdown and slide over to the right to one that doesn't, then both of the menu items highlight in black. There are only 2 instances of this situation on the menu so it shouldn't be too difficult to find.

Looks really awesome though I must say, that's way more information than I'd ever want to gather for a website hehe. Hope the rest goes well for you :)

User 476017 Photo

375 posts

Jo Ann wrote:
That is one very link intensive site! I don't blame you for wanting to pull your hair out by this time Dave. It's looking pretty good though I must say. It has a few things that I don't know if it's just me or not but the Menu has a couple entries on it that highlight 2 in a row instead of just the one you are mousing over. Looks like a dropdown menu issue as the ones with the dropdowns don't have the problem, but if you are on a menu item that has a dropdown and slide over to the right to one that doesn't, then both of the menu items highlight in black. There are only 2 instances of this situation on the menu so it shouldn't be too difficult to find.

Looks really awesome though I must say, that's way more information than I'd ever want to gather for a website hehe. Hope the rest goes well for you :)

Thanks Jo Ann
I'll check the drop down menus. They use Allweb menus quite a good product but you have to pay for annual upgrades. Hope CC can produce something like Allweb one day.
Thanks for your feed back
Dave Butler

Old Rishworthians Rugby Union Football club
Tuxedo Junction Yorkshire Function Band
The Commons Guest House
all created with Coffee Cup html editor
User 476017 Photo

375 posts

tassietiger wrote:
Wow Dave! What a massive job! You are amazing to be tackling that and it looks like you are doing a fabulous job.

Such a lot information packed into that home page and the drop down menus with several layers of sub menus.

I reckon maintaining that site would be like painting the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Never ending.

From a quick look it is has a good feel and easy to see where things are and find your way home which is ever so important on a complex site.

Well done! A chocolate frog for you...

Hi tassietiger
Thanks for choccy frog (sits back to eat it)
Yeah its a big job but I am retired and keeps me going through the dark cold winter months.
As for the new information I have team co-ordinators for each age group who feed the team/match info by email/word documents so its fairly quick to copy/paste onto the web site. It takes on average 1 hour a day from Sept - April ten goes quiet off season in te summer months
Thanks for your feed back
Dave Butler

Old Rishworthians Rugby Union Football club
Tuxedo Junction Yorkshire Function Band
The Commons Guest House
all created with Coffee Cup html editor

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