So, What's Your Website - Page 78 -...

User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Sorry - I forgot to add in the screenshot for you.
Here goes with the attachment.
User 104702 Photo

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293 posts

Hi, I made a website with my sixties music collection, used CC Visual Site Designer and the Wimpy music player, the MYSQL version. This (the MYSQL version of Wimpy, I mean), gives you unparalled possibilities for searching inside the collection. You can even make your own playlists! Look here:

Have fun!

John van Hulst
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So many good memories!
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

John... just think... my stereo speakers don't work, and I am listening to the tracks on my Skype phone. Fond memories indeed and I can well remember seeing a whole bunch of those artistes at live shows in my teens. You and I are about the same age I see (if the date on that photo means something), so perhaps you saw some of them too. I was delighted to find the Small Faces, Who, Traffic, Cream and many more of my old favourites in there.
User 392293 Photo

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Name: Jenna Fuller

Description: The website for the company I work for. This entire site was both built from scratch currently maintained by me. It's a company website for a print shop in San Diego.

CoffeeCup Tools Used: Sitemapper (XML only), SiteSearch (torn apart and integrated), PhotoGallery, (some) Graphics from Graphics Packs

Authors/Team: Webwork, design, and most graphics by me. Written content and news articles by Kate Jarosinska.
User 562592 Photo

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Jenner wrote:

Name: Jenna Fuller

Description: The website for the company I work for. This entire site was both built from scratch currently maintained by me. It's a company website for a print shop in San Diego.

CoffeeCup Tools Used: Sitemapper (XML only), SiteSearch (torn apart and integrated), PhotoGallery, (some) Graphics from Graphics Packs

Authors/Team: Webwork, design, and most graphics by me. Written content and news articles by Kate Jarosinska.

Very nice professional website. I would offer only two very minor tweaks - only because I am a freak about lineage. For the most part your site shows very nice lineage, with two very minor exceptions. The "connections" icons should align center with icons to their left, instead of aligning top as they currently do. Second, The two square banners below those icons should be spread out just a tich so that both ends align with the banner ends below them.

Other than those two very minor tweaks, it is certainly one of the better websites I have seen in here lately. Keep up the good work. :)
The philosopher has not done philosophy until he has acted upon the mere conviction of his idea; for proof of the theory is in the act, not the idea.

My Web Development Company: (Created with Coffee Cup Software).

My Personal Website:

User 69840 Photo

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I have several sites.
Here are some:

I have used CoffeeCup products for approx 95% of the sites.
User 2146019 Photo

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58 posts

First Website ive ever made i used visual site designer and html editor to create it.

User 52142 Photo

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1 post

Anyone using Flash Blogger? Would love to see some live examples of blogs created with it.


Rod Schwartz
User 147665 Photo

712 posts

I have a small sample of flash blogger on my VSD test site … /Blog.html

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