Dreamhost currently hosts over one MILLION domains. They didn't get that way by ignoring customers and hosting on servers that don't work. Click this link to see the top web hosts in the world. Dreamhost is number 13, hosting 1,011,383 domains. Godaddy is number one, hosting over 26 MILLION domains:
Bluehost is number 12 on the list above, just ahead of Dreamhost, so that tells me they are probably providing quality customer service as well. BUT here is what you have to understand about these web sites that claim to "review" web hosts. This is from: http://hosting-reviews-exposed.com
Are "HOST REVIEW" sites honest? Are they unbiased, impartial, and factual... or are they just after your money? How does a hosting company get on the "top 10" list?
Amazingly most hosting reviews websites have one thing in common: They are getting paid by hosting companies for reviews (either directly in the form of advertising or indirectly via affiliate commissions) -- making their reviews extremely biased, one-sided, and highly questionable in terms of accuracy. They all promote the same group of companies.
The reason that the same hosting companies always make it to the "top" of the hosting comparison charts is because those companies, one way or another, pay to be listed there. These hosts include Host Monster, Blue Host, Lunar Pages, IX Webhosting, InMotionHosting, StartLogic, Host Pappa, Pow Web, etc.
It's a well-known fact web hosting companies running their affiliate programs through Commission Junction offer among the highest affiliate commissions in the hosting industry. Thus "clever" PPC (pay per click) affiliate marketers decided: why not create websites with "top web hosting companies" lists and list these companies as "top"?
Hosting company reviews seldom base their "rating" on their quality of service (although many claim to). Instead, most of them rate a webhost on the *size* of the affiliate commission. Those web hosts offering the highest commissions usually get the top spots -- because those hosting companies pay the most money.
So the next time you're looking for the best web hosting company (and you undoubtedly come across a "reviews" site), STOP AND THINK: What's their true objective? Are they providing you with impartial, unprejudiced facts? Or are they simply selling you a bill of goods, deceptively packaged in a "Top-10" list bought and paid for in the Twilight Zone?
Yes, Hostgators customer service is EXCELLENT. If you remember my earlier posts, Hostgator was the company I ALMOST switched too. The only reason I didn't is because of some legal stuff (Hostgator wouldn't allow me to re-sell hosting to my we design clients). But Hostgator was actually my FIRST choice, even before Dreamhost. And they are number 9 on the top web hosts list, also hosting over a million domains. So I also HIGHLY recommend Dreamhost. You can see why if you read my previous posts. Although I don't like their VPS because they increment processor speed along with bandwidth and hosting space. The only way to "start small" with their VPS plans is too also start out on a SLOW processor. :-(

Well what I said, just to be clear, is that I get no commission for the Godaddy code. As a customer of Dreamhost I am entitled to $97 commission on each person that I refer (this was mentioned in the article "Why Dreamhost sucks, posted by Tom), but I have chosen to give $63 of MY bonus back to the person who signs up for service, that's why my promo code includes $50 off (a $50 value), plus a free domain name (a $13 value). Those discounts come directly out of my commission. This is just to be 100% up front with everyone. Regardless of the commission, I wouldn't recommended Dreamhost if I didn't love them, and I CERTAINLY wouldn't be using them myself!

The very LAST thing I want is for people to think that I am posting here with some sort of agenda. I am trying to help people find the best host for their money. If that is not Dreamhost, than don't use them!

"Look I finally made myself a signature!"