Title: Ambassador
Posts: 2,420 posts
Bio: I have been with CoffeeCup since 2005. CoffeeCup likes what I did and what I do and has helped me ever since then. Thank You CoffeeCup !!
I cycle in 2 Multiple Sclerosis bike tours a year. 170 miles in May and 100 miles in September. All to raise money for Multiple Sclerosis. Have no plans on stopping. I have been cycling and helping raise money for MS since September 1990. Would not be in any MS bike tour without my mother. She did all the driving.
The best person in the world is my mother. Which past away July 2011.
I am in the NJ Special Olympic. I bowl and in basketball. Been in the state finals 6 years in a row. Always come in 3rd or 4th place in the finals.
Carried the 2002 olmypic torch on Dec. 21, 2001 in Staten Island, NY. A day I won't ever forget. Represented the MS Society and my hometown.
My website is bikemikeworld.com . Take a look at it. Hope you like it. Sign my guestbook or say hi by email.
I am blind in right eye, deaf right ear, half deaf left ear with a hearing-aid. Woren glasses my whole life. Was born like this. Not stop me from cycling on my bicycle.
Am in special scout troop and made Eagle in July 2008. No age limit in this special scout troop.
I am a WWE fan all the way. My favorite wrestler is John Cena, Daniel Bryan and Zack Ryder.
I am a CoffeeCup fan and Lunarpages.com fan. Thank You to both of them since 2005.
Now you know me bit.
Last Visit: May 19th, 2016 at 07:12 PM