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  • Title: Registered User

  • Posts: 12 posts

  • Bio: Website is at http://debcarverowens.com and is up and running with the help of coffee cup software. This web software is exclusively used on all my sites. I am an associate at one of the neighborhood drug stores in Gulf Shores, AL. Writing is my main goal and to that end, there are two books that can be purchased on my website. A full length sci-fi novel is currently in the process of submission for publication. There are at least two more that have been written. Married for over 20 years to a wonderful songwriter, singer, bass player with six children between the two of us who are all grown up and just about all have children of their own.

    My dream is to be the absolute best author that I can be. I love to read books and have read them for many years. One day as I was reading, I thought that I would like to do this. I started reading the books in a different frame of mind paying attention to the way the author told the story. The strengths of the plots and the depth of the characters. I got in touch with one of my favorite authors who did a critique for me. They recommended that I get the book "How to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method" of which I immediately ordered. Reading it several times, I found a new perspective on writing.

  • Last Visit: Mar 13th, 2025 at 08:06 PM