Title: Registered User
Posts: 26 posts
Bio: I'm an avid "DIYer", you name it and I'll at least give it a shot and I'm the type that I'm not going to pay someone to do something that I'm capable of doing myself. I've been interested in creating my own website for some time so it only fits that when my wife started really cranking up her art that I decided to take a shot at creating a website for her to sell it on. I looked around and dabbled a little bit with some other website building software but saw a lot of reviews for coffee cup. I'm slowly learning my way around the different programs and there are times when I want to throw my laptop out the window but things are slowly getting clearer. The staff and forums are very helpful. I'm determined to finish her site tonight.. wish me luck!
Last Visit: May 15th, 2012 at 02:32 PM