Title: Registered User
Posts: 19 posts
Bio: I have been programming in various languages since 1989. Started with dos batch files for program menus, then went on to dBase3, 4 for dos based database aps. Next to VBS and VBA, Aspect script for ProComm, WinBatch Scripting Language, MS Access with VBA, HTML, ASP, PHP, and a good mix of those that will work together of can talk to one another. Add to that The ever growing use of CADD and GIS and that can make your head spin!
I have watched as the Internet come from an idea for Universities and Govt. agencies to interchange info to the full blown and yet still developing tool that we have today.
I started out as a forester and as the computer began to intrude into more aspects of the job, I thought the only good use for the computer was to keep the boss in the office. Then, as I started to use it to accomplish a few tasks that I didn't want to have take up my entire day, as they had for my predecessor, I started to see the potential. Accurate, reproducible maps, Auto calculate forms for tree volumes, Road and timber sale boundary survey. The list just kept getting longer and longer.
All this probably seems kind of infantile to those who have grown up with a keyboard wired to their crib rail, but to those who did everything by hand and was tickled to death when the first TI hand held calculator replaced the old slide rule, and the Total Station replaced the Theodolite, dumpy level etc. Then GPS took center stage, All this has been quite a ride!
Last Visit: May 14th, 2022 at 09:52 PM