Title: Registered User
Posts: 10 posts
Bio: I am a "hobbyist" web designer. I do this for fun, and thoroughly enjoy it.
Right now I am creating the site for my service dog organization, and although it is slow going, I am learning and enjoying it. I am currently learning the WordPress CMS and I do all my tweaking of the site in my CoffeeCup Software apps.
I have never had an ounce of "professional" training or any classes in HTML or Web Design - having learned everything I know from books and my own mistakes/successes. Thanks to the software here and especially the book (you gotta get that!), CoffeeCup has helped me achieve more of the successes - and less of the mistakes! :-)
I am also currently designing an online course in basic HTML & site design, including covering accessibility considerations. That is a challenge, but I will be excited to teach it as soon as it is done.
Well... back to coding!
Last Visit: Jun 13th, 2015 at 06:01 PM