New Calendar Update is Good but... -...

User 122279 Photo

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I have made a fairly 'generic' theme here. You can install it as any other theme into your 'themes' folder. Enjoy.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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User 166008 Photo

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I played with the CSS coding a little for font size and saved the changes but saw no difference in the calendar theme.

What would I need to do to make the event font smaller on the calendar face itself?
User 122279 Photo

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When I created the Plain theme (I modified one of the other themes) I had the source file monthstyles.css from the theme folder open, then the Calendar programme with a calendar that I exported each time I had made some change. Then I also had the browser with the exported calendar.html open. Obviously I had to refresh it for every export. That way I was able to see what impact my changes had.

As to the font size of the events, I haven't found it anywhere in the source file, but in the exported monthstyles.css it's in this chunk of code:

/** styles used in all events **/
#cc_eventlist .Calendar_1, .Calendar_1allday, .Calendar_1left, .Calendar_1right, .Calendar_1leftright, .Work, .Workallday, .Workleft, .Workright, .Workleftright
top:0; left:0;
text-shadow: #C0C0C0 1px 1px 1px;
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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User 116134 Photo

25 posts

I welcome the new edition of this program, but for a simple and non-technical chap, I find that display-wise it has a long way to go before it will rival the flash version.
I do appreciate that the new edition is easier to edit for people who are good with code, but for those of us who just want to bung a good and clear calendar on our sites, the old edition still gives good results.
I am glad that further features may be in the pipeline. I would like to see an editor included with features similar to those provided earlier; and also I would appreciate it if "today's" date could be highlighted to a marked degree as standard. I am not good at fiddling about with the CSS.
User 166008 Photo

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Scott, For us simple folk here please explain this clearly.

Where do we find the CSS file to modify? (location or easy way to find it)

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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Mark Sleep wrote:
Scott, For us simple folk here please explain this clearly.

Where do we find the CSS file to modify? (location or easy way to find it)

Look in the calendar folder. There will be 3 sub-folders; stylesheets, javascript and images. Everything you need will be in one of those 3 folders.
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User 122279 Photo

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Mark, look for the file 'monthstyles.css' in the stylesheets folder.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 455349 Photo

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21 posts

Scott, good job on the calendar at cc. Here's my question for you cc pros. How do I import the USA holidays, the csv file from the link Scott posted? That would save a great deal of time but I don't know how it would be done.

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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DeanO wrote:
Scott, good job on the calendar at cc. Here's my question for you cc pros. How do I import the USA holidays, the csv file from the link Scott posted? That would save a great deal of time but I don't know how it would be done.


Go to the File Menu > Open ICS :)
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User 455349 Photo

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21 posts

Thanks Scott, that was simple:rolleyes:

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