Terry you are a little bit all over the place with this form post. I am not really sure what issues you are even having.
If you can you consolidate your post into something a bit clearer, I will do my best to help.
Also, when you preview locally, the software knows where all the files are. If you are having problems once you add it to your website, this means you have one or more of the following issues:
1. You did not upload the calendar folder, JavaScript's, CSS, style-sheets or images to the proper location.
2. You did not paste the code into your <head> area correctly.
3. You did not paste the code into your <body> area correctly.
The new Web Calendar does require a bit more setup that then previous Flash version and if you skip even one small step, you will have issues like you are describing. However once you have everything in place correctly, updating your calendar is a snap.