Confirmation email being sent when...

User 2921927 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

I built a form that is a membership application for a club. When someone submits the form and pays their membership fee via PayPal they an email gets sent to the new member welcoming them to the club and another to our membership coordinator and treasurer letting them know a new member joined. All this works. My problem is that if the person filling out the form returns from the PayPal screen without making the payment, the emails are still being sent. I am pulling my hair out trying to figure this out.

User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,109 posts

just a suggestion, instead of letting the webform send the confirmation emails why not get Paypal to send the notifications after payment. Maybe just send one confirmation email from the form warning your coordinator that someone has attempted to renew. If the coordinator doesn't get both confirmations from the form and paypal they do not renew the membership and just contacts the client for further information.
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User 2921927 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

I don't think that would work. There are two emails that have to go out, one that goes to the club officers and another that goes to the new member. If the new member checks out of PayPal as a guest without logging into a PayPal account, PayPal won't have their email address to send the email too.

The interesting thing is that when a payment is cancelled, the form displays a message that it couldn't be submitted because the payment was cancelled. This tells me that PayPal is correctly routing the right message back to the form. The problem seems to be in the Coffee Cup generated file formpage.cls.php

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