Date and time in Web Form Builder -...

User 2982483 Photo

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Eric, this is great and very much what I want.

At my end it worked although it throws out a couple of errors that you may already be aware of: "Your form could not be submitted for the following reason(s):" and ""Select an available Time" doesn't have a valid value."

Maybe there could a separate read only calendar to represent the booked dates or a pop up if the dates are taken, thinking out loud here. Can the db be checked before hitting the submit with say 'check dates' button.
These thoughts are probably making this a nightmare task.

Anyway, again your time on this is much appreciated.
User 187934 Photo

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I fixed the validation problem. The form.cfg.php has to be altered because of the dynamically created values in the Time select.
The calendar can be altered to only show dates that have times available.
Can you tell me a day or time schedule that you want?
Which days are open for scheduling?
What is the time range for appointments during each day?
How long for each appointment?
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User 2982483 Photo

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Hi Eric, OK so Monday to Friday and times will be hourly and only between 9.00am and 6.00pm with the possibility of a break between 12.00 and 1.00pm (Lunch).

Thanks again.
User 187934 Photo

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Made adjustments to scripts based on your thinking out loud.:lol:
Current dates and times in database.
Select 05-30 and there's no times available because all hours are booked.

Weekends disabled
No appointments at 12:00 … me-picker/
If you go to Sept, Oct, and Nov you'll see a few dates disabled. I added another database to add manually disabled dates.
Take a look and see if there are more adjustments needed.
Manual Block of days?
Manual Block of appointment times?
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User 2982483 Photo

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Really great this Eric.

You preempted my next question with your last three questions and yes there will be a need to add unforeseen appointments either by teacher or student, and manual blocks of appointments is a must.

This is most definitely what I wanted when first posting and I can't thank you enough for the time you've put in, it's really appreciated.

User 187934 Photo

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Will unforeseen appointments still be on the hour? If the unforeseen appointment is not on the hour, we need to think of a way to handle the request by the teacher or student. Blocking is not an issue when the teacher can submit a separate form to the blocking database table.
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User 2982483 Photo

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OK, I think that we will stick with 'on the hour' . I'm sure the teacher will be happy with that. Keeps things simple and uncomplicated.

User 187934 Photo

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I'm almost there. My host is down at the moment. I'm putting in some validation scripts. I'll have a test example as soon as they come back online.
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User 2982483 Photo

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You are a star, thank you so much for all the time and effort Eric.
User 187934 Photo

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I'm having a Form Builder bug issue. I opened a support topic but I'm also trying to hack my way around it.
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This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
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