Flash version email issues are now...

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

If you read through all the forum posts concerning the Flash version of Web Form Builder over the past year, there is always one issue or another due to security restrictions imposed by hosting providers. This has caused a wide variety of undesirable side-effects.

If you have had one of these issues in the past, the new HTML Form Builder can bypass web hosting providers' restrictions entirely by publishing to S-Drive. This completely fixes these problems:
    1. Emails not arriving
    2. Emails being marked as SPAM
    3. The "Godaddy problem"
    4. PHP issues with Yahoo hosting
    5. Lengthy time delay with email arrival
    6. SMTP / ASP problems with authenticating
    7. PHP requiring SMTP configuration

What we need from you is to really test the email portion of the program and let us know how it works:
    1. How fast does the email arrive to your INBOX?
    2. Was it marked as SPAM?
    3. How did the form results look in your email? Remember you can customize the appearance of your email notifications. For more information, read this article.
    4. Overall, did it seem to work flawlessly?
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 2114410 Photo

Registered User
383 posts

1. How fast does the email arrive to your INBOX? - Immediately
2. Was it marked as SPAM? No
3. How did the form results look in your email? Remember you can customize the appearance of your email notifications. For more information, read this article. It was marked as from my coffecup sdrive - but I didn't configure it wisely. I did a very quick test. It also included suggestions on how to configure.
4. Overall, did it seem to work flawlessly? Yes
User 2161470 Photo

Registered User
13 posts

How do I get this? I had to remove my coffee cup form from my website because I couldn't get it to send me an email when someone submitted a form. Sounds like this is resolved? Please share. Thank you!
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Conrad Cruz wrote:
How do I get this? I had to remove my coffee cup form from my website because I couldn't get it to send me an email when someone submitted a form. Sounds like this is resolved? Please share. Thank you!

Please see http://www.coffeecup.com/forums/form-bu … post169274
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 464893 Photo

1,611 posts

I have always had an issue with my provider Bigpond when using my provider email address. Sometimes comes sometimes no. It was not an issue with FB (Flash Version)

My solution was to get a gmail address and send it there. I configured gmail to bounce it straight back to my provider number.
Apparently my provider accepts gmail but does not like mail from my hosting. Actually I have been using html forms with php processing but it is a pain to create so I cannot wait for the full version to arrive.

Love the Web Image Studio Scott
The Guy from OZ

User 2310482 Photo

Registered User
5 posts

1. How fast does the email arrive to your INBOX? - Immediately
2. Was it marked as SPAM? No
3. How did the form results look in your email? Remember you can customize the appearance of your email notifications. For more information, read this article. Looked fine. The "from" line showed "FormName" at "Sdrive UserName" dot coffeecup dot com
4. Overall, did it seem to work flawlessly? Yes

Notes: Wanted to customize the appearance of the email notifications but was afraid of messing up something in the html as it has been years since I have done programming. Please add an easier way of customizing the email appearance.:)
User 72973 Photo

97 posts

1. How fast does the email arrive to your INBOX?

2. Was it marked as SPAM?

3. How did the form results look in your email? Remember you can customize the appearance of your email notifications. For more information, read this article.
Great. I love the customizations

4. Overall, did it seem to work flawlessly?
Absolutely! Can't wait for the full version to be released. :)
Robert Bruce
User 2287960 Photo

580 posts

What we need from you is to really test the email portion of the program and let us know how it works:
1. How fast does the email arrive to your INBOX?
2. Was it marked as SPAM?
3. How did the form results look in your email? Remember you can customize the appearance of your email notifications. For more information, read this article.
4. Overall, did it seem to work flawlessly?

User 256589 Photo

Registered User
23 posts

What we need from you is to really test the email portion of the program and let us know how it works:

1. How fast does the email arrive to your INBOX? Immediately
2. Was it marked as SPAM? No
3. How did the form results look in your email? Remember you can customize the appearance of your email notifications. For more information, read this article. Looked fine.
4. Overall, did it seem to work flawlessly? After a few hiccups (my fault), works great.

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