Is there a simpler to read CAPTCHA

User 2338087 Photo

Registered User
25 posts

Is there a simpler to read CAPTCHA than the one in the form builder, I know the text cannot be to plain or normal but some of the distorted text is to hard for some or looks to intimidating and just want fill out the form.
User 460351 Photo

Registered User
24 posts

I concur. It is way too difficult to read. Sometimes I have to cycle through a half dozen captchas to get one I can read. I use a different captcha on my wife's website that is super easy. It also allows you to select how many characters to display. I chose just 3 because I'm not that concerned about bots and want to make it easy for our clients to email us or sign up for our newsletter without jumping through hoops and still offer a bit more protection than an open email address.
User 464893 Photo

1,611 posts

Maybe when we get this button that can have a regular expression attached. That could give many options. I am looking forward to see what is allowed. What can be done with regular expressions is mind boggling.
The Guy from OZ

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