Submitted forms arrive at Hotmail,...

User 1895988 Photo

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21 posts

I'm having an issue where form submissions have stopped forwarding to a Gmail account.

My client's MX records for her domain ( are set up with Gmail's MX record settings, and it worked relatively well for a long time. Forms on her website are configured to be sent to her Gmail account and a Hotmail account (as a backup).

Yesterday, my GoDaddy hosting changed from an older plan to their newer cPanel. I migrated everything over and thought all was running well, but I may have missed something because after the switch, emails would not send to the Gmail account but do arrive to the Hotmail account. She's otherwise sending and receiving emails from her Gmail accounts as usual, so it's not that.

Is there a setting in the user.cfg.php file that will allow me to send to both accounts successfully? Again, I'm using Gmail's MX records, but the domain is hosted with GoDaddy if that's any help. If I had configured anything in the old user.cfg.php file, unfortunately may I no longer have access to it. (I might have a backup at home.) My next step is calling GoDaddy and seeing what may have changed between the hosting accounts, but I thought I'd try here too.

User 1895988 Photo

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21 posts

I had a hunch that it was on GoDaddy's side and I was right. I contacted them and it turns out that there's a setting in cPanel called "MX Entry" that should be set to "Remote Mail Exchanger." This configures the server to not accept mail locally and send mail to the lowest MX record (which is the Gmail settings). This is different from how the old hosting worked and explains why the mail didn't get sent to Gmail after the switch-over. It's working now.
User 122279 Photo

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Thanks for posting this! I think there have been many people here with similar problems.
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User 1743776 Photo

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Recently my GoDaddy would no longer send confirm emails to my customers' gmail accounts or mine. I checked my WFB and RED and everything: no luck with a fix. and other accts OK.
So, what do I set my GoDaddy MX entry to?

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Try this … m-builder/
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