Suggestions for CoffeeCup HTML Web...

User 2327922 Photo

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Is there any way to get a printout of all the names of the fields in a form?
Even better, all the fields, and all of the data validation that goes with it.

This way I can compare against my own database designs.
User 115734 Photo

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Jim Cantrell wrote:
I would like to be able to set the Item Width in pixels instead of as a percentage.

I am having a terrible time trying to get form elements to line up because there are only a few % values that can be used. If you are going to only allow % then give me the ability to define the % I need - like 10% or 60%. I would really prefer this in pixels or even better would be the ability to manually resize form elements.

And why are the form fields so tall? You can fit 20pt text in these. How can they be altered? Perhaps this should have some CSS control or something.

And why can't I drag and drop an element somewhere on the form without it automatically aligning on the left or messing up other form elements that I work so hard to get aligned. I need to be able to insert form elements in various areas and not have them mess up the work I've already done.

This software used to be much easier to get the form looking right - having things in columns, having different colour for the text within a box. I thought this version would be an improvement, but definately not seeing it. In the previous version I created a fairly complex Volunteer Registration form for an event with numerous options for dates, shift times, and preferences. This version is very difficult to accomplish what I need to do.

Looking forward to an upgrade ASAP please!
User 2056177 Photo

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We have 4 forms on our website, all of which are set to return the results via email so that we can act swiftly as we run a boxer dog rescue.

These forms are all filed in date order so that the printed copies can be destroyed after 3 months.

Having now placed them onto the website, the submissions are now coming in but the submission date at the end of the form is in the US format which is the reverse of the UK.

Perhaps it might be a good idea if it was made possible to be able to change this to whichever format suits the location that you are in.

Peter Gillies
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Don't you find a better date format among the ones that you can select? See attachment.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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User 132002 Photo

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Inger Eik wrote:
Don't you find a better date format among the ones that you can select? See attachment.

Hej Inger

I don't think this is the problem.
My guess is the Submitted On field in the received email.
It's in US date format.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Søren, Denmark
User 170830 Photo

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Inger Eik wrote:
Don't you find a better date format among the ones that you can select? See attachment.
Pete wrote:
Hej Inger

I don't think this is the problem.
My guess is the Submitted On field in the received email.
It's in US date format.

Correct me if I'm wrong.


Hey Pete
You’re not wrong it is formatted that way I can’t see how it presents a problem?
If you are storing them in some sort of date base why not just file in UK date order as in day-month-year.
you see it as: Submitted On: 2012-01-19 10:34:35 Correct?
Works fine for me
Just a little bit of human lateral thinking LOL
Peter (aka badger)

Peter aki badger I only see what I want to
User 2056177 Photo

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Thanks, Soren, you are correct about the problem.

The "Submitted On" date at the bottom of the email is in US format.

There should be some way of changing it to the UK format after all, there are more countries in the world that use this format.

We have a filing system program that works on dates and it is getting confused by the US date format.

User 140444 Photo

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I would like to make 2 Suggestions, and these may have been covered not sure, but I will add 'em anyway.

1) Error Message - If I make a text box required, Is there a way to add "Required" inside the missed text box? I would like to see this instead of the error message popping down below the text box. By doing adding it inside the text box, it would not push the iframe down. I do understand that some forms will need a more descriptive error message, but for those of us that just need to mark the field as required and no error message, I would think that you could just put the error message in the box.

I deal with limited space on marketing forms and when they miss a required field it pushes the form down the page...I would like the form to stay exact within my size requirements.

2) The ability to create a "simple" captcha...meaning a text box that I can set a spam code against and then validate that within the form. Something like 1+1 = [Validated Text Box] > Submit

User 187934 Photo

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Jared Northey wrote:
I would like to make 2 Suggestions, and these may have been covered not sure, but I will add 'em anyway.

1) Error Message - If I make a text box required, Is there a way to add "Required" inside the missed text box? I would like to see this instead of the error message popping down below the text box. By doing adding it inside the text box, it would not push the iframe down. I do understand that some forms will need a more descriptive error message, but for those of us that just need to mark the field as required and no error message, I would think that you could just put the error message in the box.

I deal with limited space on marketing forms and when they miss a required field it pushes the form down the page...I would like the form to stay exact within my size requirements.

2) The ability to create a "simple" captcha...meaning a text box that I can set a spam code against and then validate that within the form. Something like 1+1 = [Validated Text Box] > Submit


I'm up with number 1 :)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

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User 607957 Photo

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Event Registration Template.

How about allowing us to configure the Auto Response Message to show exactly the information that was filled in the form. This way, the user has a copy of the registration as well. Or is there another way to do this?

I am intending to use Form Builder for events registration. Most of the time, people do not remember what they have registered for, what option they have ticked etc...

My wish list :-)

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