Suggestions for CoffeeCup HTML Web...

User 413036 Photo

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19 posts

I opened an existing Web Form project, which was working fine, made a small change, saved it, then went to "Export > Manual Server Setup."

When I did this, the "Browse For Folder" dialog appeared, defaulting to the Desktop of the computer.

It would be a great help if this dialog would open to the directory to which I last exported. (It would be easy to save this data along with the project.) Failing that, it would also save me a lot of time and aggravation if it would open defaulted to the directory from which I loaded the project.

Is there any way to do this already? If not, can you please include it soon?


David in Mississippi
User 126725 Photo

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19 posts

This really is more of a suggestion, but it's related to the new conditional forms. I tried the demo form ( ) and while it's super awesome, it doesn't work in IE7. I get JavaScript errors. It's very easy for you to tell me to upgrade to a newer, better browser (I have to keep IE7 for web based work app), but it doesn't help users on my site that want to fill out my form (about 150 of the 7300 visitors I had in the past 30 days, according to GA).

I don't expect you to support ever browser that's ever been made, but my suggestion is to consider implementing a browser check that will inform the form user "We see you are using an older browser and some features of this form may not work as designed. Please consider upgrading your browser to the latest version for a better web experience". Just a thought.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Chad White wrote:
This really is more of a suggestion, but it's related to the new conditional forms. I tried the demo form ( ) and while it's super awesome, it doesn't work in IE7. I get JavaScript errors. It's very easy for you to tell me to upgrade to a newer, better browser (I have to keep IE7 for web based work app), but it doesn't help users on my site that want to fill out my form (about 150 of the 7300 visitors I had in the past 30 days, according to GA).

I don't expect you to support ever browser that's ever been made, but my suggestion is to consider implementing a browser check that will inform the form user "We see you are using an older browser and some features of this form may not work as designed. Please consider upgrading your browser to the latest version for a better web experience". Just a thought.

Thanks for pointing that out Chad. We are looking into this now. I can say we will not support IE6 though. ;)
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User 503621 Photo

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266 posts

Will quote the same suggestion for shopping cart creator but it could work on forms
with payment options too !!!

Seems like mobile payments are coming real strong this days
i would love to be able to create a form and feel free to pay with my mobile phone
sending sms messages ! Have you guys think on integrate
on the payment methods ? This could open so many advantages !!!
Check them at
User 157034 Photo

208 posts

This is re-posted from the WFB general discussion:

"Typically a job application form that my former employers use was four sides of A4 with one of those being an supporting letter, so it took a long time to fill out. That said, there was a facility to save a partly completed form and then come back to it later.

Multi-page forms are on the "coming soon" horizon looking at the WFB specs, so will there be a facility to for a user to save a form part way through before coming back to complete it and make a final submission?"

I think that there would be a lot of mileage in this sort of facility. Really you could make a living out WFB by doing forms and surveys for people as long as you could do the data analysis on the latter.

"Second class fairway is better than first class rough!"
User 18194 Photo

289 posts

Along the lines of payment options,

1) Allow previsions for multiple payment options (paypal, Google Wallet, etc) on 1 form.
2) Allow for multiple payment options within a vendor. I would like to office both one time payment and subscriptions
3) Option to wash my truck.. (sorry, but it's got so much hard to think of something else I want) :D

But option 1 and 2 seem reasonable... Thanks for a great product!

Long time CoffeeCup user, lover and ambasador !!
Mitchell Baker AMA 7548 GSWA WB251 10th AF USSMA 358
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Proud member of the 1/8th Air Force

User 69715 Photo

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30 posts

Hello, All -

Currently it isn't possible to have radio buttons and a text field in the same element. However, this would be extremely useful - especially for donation forms, where such things are normal.

Typically a form will include a selection of radio buttons with predefined monetary values. The last option, however, is usually "Other". When a user clicks on this option, a text box will open allowing them to input their own sum.

Now that we have conditional boxes and form payment options, this feature is the next logical step.

It has been discussed here...

I hope you will find a way to incorporate it in a future update.

User 132002 Photo

Registered User
131 posts

Now we can use a Dropdown list as a contact list.
But we can only select one recipient.

It might be very useful if Checkboxes could also be used for this.
Then we could select more than one recipient.

To explain my idea please have a look on this page:

Maybe someone already has a solution for this. In that case I would like to hear about it.


Søren, Denmark
User 455853 Photo

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5 posts

Web Form Builder:
All other fields can be adjusted for width.
Is it possible to give the Submit button an adjustable width?
At present if you want some additional text you can only achieve it by shrinking the font.
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,259 posts

Peter Mulcahy wrote:
Web Form Builder:
All other fields can be adjusted for width.
Is it possible to give the Submit button an adjustable width?
At present if you want some additional text you can only achieve it by shrinking the font.

Eric Rohloff (Rolly) wrote:
The easiest way would be to make a button in WIS that has all the needed text and use that image for you button.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)

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