Suggestions for CoffeeCup HTML Web...

User 187934 Photo

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I called them response points because it wasn't broke yet. This would be part of the design of the form more then the functionality. I already write some of my own media queries to handle it but I have seen some users make some pretty slick forms that would be a little time consuming to navigate if they have all the extra fluff on there for smaller devices.
Break points is fine if that helps in your mind.:lol:
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User 2484360 Photo

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Eric Rohloff wrote:
I called them response points because it wasn't broke yet. This would be part of the design of the form more then the functionality. I already write some of my own media queries to handle it but I have seen some users make some pretty slick forms that would be a little time consuming to navigate if they have all the extra fluff on there for smaller devices.
Break points is fine if that helps in your mind.:lol:

Ha ha. Well you said response points. Which could be talking points or automatic responses to a question.

I do not like the word Breakpoint either as it implies something is broken. I like Fluid points better. :P However breakpoints is the accepted term.
User 14186 Photo

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20 posts

Would like to see the ability to change the text field background from Properties or Form Options. Some templates have a very dark text field background with equally non contrasting hard to read font colours.

Currently the only way to change the text field background is by hacking the CSS and make your own suitable same size xxx.png background and name it the same as the provided xxx.png background and overwrite it using FTP
User 2088758 Photo

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3,101 posts

Great suggestions Alan I will second that :D
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 2685275 Photo

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I had to do a lot of modification to the colorbox.css file in order to make the frame around the form transparent. It would be nice if this was an option in the design dialogue.
Rex 8-)=
User 38401 Photo

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Rex Bunn wrote:
I had to do a lot of modification to the colorbox.css file in order to make the frame around the form transparent. It would be nice if this was an option in the design dialogue.
Rex 8-)=

Hiya Rex,

Does the Transparent theme not work for you? That is a complete transparency that the only things that show up are the fields and nothing else, no frame at all. I don't believe that theme is responsive though, but it's definitely already transparent so if you aren't trying to do a responsive theme, you did a lot of work for nothing :P
User 2088758 Photo

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3,101 posts

Hey Rex,

Jo Anne is right here. There is a version of the Transparent Web Form theme that is responsive and it can be found here at the top of the page … er/?page=7

Should save you a lot of work for only $4
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 2674933 Photo

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Morten Lindstrom wrote:
In Date input fields - it is easy to go between months - but - what about adding two more tiny navigators to do the same with year as months - that would be a great add.

That would be very nice indeed.
User 2686259 Photo

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2 posts

Please implement a toggle where the user can turn off the feature that adds an underscore and some characters to an uploaded file on an email. As it is, we have to delete those characters manually because the uploaded file's name must be in the original format in order to be processed.
Frank D. Jimenez
Cabinet Pro Software
User 2686259 Photo

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2 posts

In the "Using Display Rule" for a text field, can an INSTR function that inspects the contents of a text box be added with a CASE SENSITIVE toggle? For example, let's assume the contents of text21 is "This is an example of a user-entered text". Here are some examples of how it would work:

1. INSTR(text21, "exampl") would be true because "exampl" exists in text1, whether or not the case sensitive toggle is on or off.

2. INSTR(text21, "Exampl") would be false if the case sensitive toggle is turned on because "Exampl" does not exist in text1. If the case sensitive toggle was turned OFF, then INSTR(text21, "Exampl") would be true .

3. INSTR(text21, "exmapl") would be false because "exmapl" does not exist in text1.
Frank D. Jimenez
Cabinet Pro Software

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