Suggestions for CoffeeCup HTML Web...

User 187934 Photo

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20,226 posts

I would like to be able to search for text in the email notification box after importing a RED template. I use filler text and it takes a while to find those for my variables.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2736027 Photo

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68 posts

Now that RED can easily generate nicely formatted and more pleasing looking pages, it would be great if the Confirmation Message in Web Form Builder could choose a RED-generated response, similar to what Confirm Email, and Notifications can now do. Why is this feature lacking?
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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Norm Lang wrote:
Now that RED can easily generate nicely formatted and more pleasing looking pages, it would be great if the Confirmation Message in Web Form Builder could choose a RED-generated response, similar to what Confirm Email, and Notifications can now do. Why is this feature lacking?

RED is for emails, so that would not be the program to use for that Norm. That is why it is not a feature. You could use RLM or RSD for that but form elements would not appear.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 2736027 Photo

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68 posts

RED is for emails, so that would not be the program to use for that ...

Yeah, I kinda suspected that might be the case, but a guy can always ask!

Thanks for the quick response!
User 1969671 Photo

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5 posts

Not pre-checked radio buttons - Is it possible to have this as standard or as an option. I have a form for 1 to 3 persons to enter (if one all fields are required). So if only one person enters in the cvs file I get the 2nd and 3rd persons radio buttons as they are preset.

Solution for pre-checked radio buttons. (Copied from Tips)
Open the HTML file and find the code for the radio buttons. One will have "checked type="radio"", the rest will just have, "type="radio"". Delete the word "checked" and no more pre-checked radio button!

User 2800683 Photo

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7 posts

In web form builder please consider the following:
1. Get email confirmation (notice) when the email element within a conditional element.
2. When you click inside the email box and write nothing then click inside another box like name for example you get this message: This field is required. Well, all fields are required but we get this only for the email box in the contact form. We need to have all fields consistent.
- Discussed with Adam & Scott
User 2804266 Photo

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27 posts

A couple of suggestions (V.2.5 build 5437)

1. For Drop down element, you should add the function parent / child in order to choose sub-categories

2. For Radio buttons element, Layout should include four columns and five columns

3.Drop down element is not working OK, when you add more than 32 options, after save the form and export the form to use it in own server, most of the options are replaced by the default option name "option 3, option 4, etc..

4.Text field element -> properties ->Field options -> Read only
This is not working as it should be:
Right now is: <input name="name1" disabled
it should be: <input name="name1" readonly

5. Actually there is no way to users manually specify and option in drop down element and radio button element.
For example: Drop down menu options are:
A. Red
B. Blue
D. Other (Please specify)
in option D, there must be a way to manually suggest another value.

6.Friendly hint must be able to use different colors per word basis, not same color for entire field
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Ariel Rodriguez wrote:
A couple of suggestions (V.2.5 build 5437)

1. For Drop down element, you should add the function parent / child in order to choose sub-categories

2. For Radio buttons element, Layout should include four columns and five columns

3.Drop down element is not working OK, when you add more than 32 options, after save the form and export the form to use it in own server, most of the options are replaced by the default option name "option 3, option 4, etc..

4.Text field element -> properties ->Field options -> Read only
This is not working as it should be:
Right now is: <input name="name1" disabled
it should be: <input name="name1" readonly

5. Actually there is no way to users manually specify and option in drop down element and radio button element.
For example: Drop down menu options are:
A. Red
B. Blue
D. Other (Please specify)
in option D, there must be a way to manually suggest another value.

6.Friendly hint must be able to use different colors per word basis, not same color for entire field

Since I'm lazy today I will just put numbers below to reference your number above that I am addressing lol.

2. +1 (meaning I agree)

3. This is a known issue, has been this way from day 1 of the software. In order to combat this issue there are 2 ways you can work this. First there's a few little extra clicks which will take care of that if you're typing these manually. Each time you type one click into the left area (visual area) of the form and it will update it in the list you are typing and it should then stay there. Second, if your list is a long one use the text file setup for doing this instead so you don't have all this typing and clicking to do. You can find information on how to do this (which is similar to setting up States, Countries, and any other kind of long list of options) here: … m-builder/

5. This is done using the conditional setting (called "Show Element in the program) that the program has been equipped with for quite some time now. Basically you make the field as you showed above, then make a text box or whatever type of input element you need for the "other" when chosen. Then set that extra element to be a conditional so it only shows if they choose that "other" field and not any of the other choices. You can get more information on that here: … -property/

6. +1 here, and heck I'd like more versatility on all the text for that matter, to be able to change different words within a sentence rather than always all the same color, not just the friendly hints.

Hope that helps at least with some of your comments above. :)
User 2804266 Photo

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27 posts

Jo wrote:

3. This is a known issue, has been this way from day 1 of the software. In order to combat this issue there are 2 ways you can work this. First there's a few little extra clicks which will take care of that if you're typing these manually. Each time you type one click into the left area (visual area) of the form and it will update it in the list you are typing and it should then stay there. Second, if your list is a long one use the text file setup for doing this instead so you don't have all this typing and clicking to do. You can find information on how to do this (which is similar to setting up States, Countries, and any other kind of long list of options) here: … m-builder/

5. This is done using the conditional setting (called "Show Element in the program) that the program has been equipped with for quite some time now. Basically you make the field as you showed above, then make a text box or whatever type of input element you need for the "other" when chosen. Then set that extra element to be a conditional so it only shows if they choose that "other" field and not any of the other choices. You can get more information on that here: … -property/

Thanks my friend, working on it.
Thanks again
User 2804266 Photo

Registered User
27 posts

Please add conditional hint
Show Hint only if.....

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