Suggestions for CoffeeCup HTML Web...

User 2325037 Photo

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4 posts

I love the Form Builder but, we purchased it because of the promise (OK not a promise but certainly an indication) that PayPal would be available in about a month. That was in January if my memory is correct. Is this going to be a feature of 1.xx or will we have to wait until 2.x and, if the latter, will there be additional cost involved.

Brian J Smith
Canadian Association of Rally Obedience
User 103173 Photo

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Brian Smith wrote:
I love the Form Builder but, we purchased it because of the promise (OK not a promise but certainly an indication) that PayPal would be available in about a month. That was in January if my memory is correct. Is this going to be a feature of 1.xx or will we have to wait until 2.x and, if the latter, will there be additional cost involved.


For that Brian I can guarantee we never said a date when it will be ready or in what version. It is simply listed as "Coming Soon". The good news is our developers are already actively coding this into the program now and will be released I think with 2.0. There will be no additional cost for it as it will just be a part of Web Form Builder. Now if you want to pay for that enhancement, I am sure Bob would love that. ;)
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User 2325037 Photo

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4 posts

Hi Scott

I did amend my email to say that it was not exactly promised but on January 12th you stated:-

1. No ETA yet, but it is something they are working on at this moment. I would say 30 days or so.


Guess we are working on the 'or so' period now. :lol:

Brian J Smith
Canadian Association of Rally Obedience
User 2356176 Photo

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1 post

I would love to be able to change the fields by pixels instead of percentage. Also, I would like to have a "put on same line" option so you can put fields on the same line. I believe Jotform has something like this and I like that way of putting fields on the same line.
User 187934 Photo

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You can put fields on the same line. Drop their % to 50% for two lined up 33% for three.:)
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User 2009333 Photo

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More options I would like on coffecup form builder:

Check Box and Radio Buttons -- Label to have more space or the ability to control the amount of characters in label box

underline / Italic in the label field

  or an html editor feature to input html code if needed
User 202252 Photo

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How about a Print button in the footer next to the Submit. That doesn't have to be coded in after the fact...
Huh, Huh, Please, Please

From a user standpoint when I fill out a form I usually assume that there is a potential that it works like the government, broken, so I always like to print out a copy of what I just ordered, subscribed to or whatever so I have a hard copy to refer to if the ever promised email never makes it to the inbox.

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User 464893 Photo

1,611 posts

How about a element that could point to a script. Something like a Regular Expression element but allow for a script to work on the data in that element. I thought of it when I saw a post about a date + 24 hours required. If the imputed data was available before the form is submitted there would not be much WFB could not do. It would mean the return to a populated form after a submit though only allowing a throughput after conditions are met.
The Guy from OZ

User 2261065 Photo

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I see somebody mentioned my current wish already (December 1). I will reiterate that one:

It would be lovely and useful to be able to use very simple If/thens in this software implying multi-page form ability as well.

For example, as in if the multiple choice answer is x then the person would go to questions on page 3, skipping page 2. If they selected y, then they would just carry on directly to page 2. This (coffee cup) is wonderful form-production software and it is the only thing I can think of that is non-cosmetic and would oh so useful.

Possibly the forms would have to be multi-page to achieve this so I guess that multi-page might be part of my request. I do recognize that as soon as one makes it multi-page, tossing it into one's website can become challenging (I found with google forms that it was better to simply provide a link to the form rather than embedding the form when the forms are multi-page because of the fixed space that the form is put into. We had people getting lost and having to scroll down further than they expected.)

User 38401 Photo

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I would like to see the text already clicked and highlighted when I add more list items to a list. Right now every time I add a list item I have to then double click it to highlight it to alter the text.
Since anyone adding a list item is most likely (99.9% of the time) going to alter that text right away, seems it should already be set to edit instead of having to do the double click thing to edit it. Thanks :)

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