Suggestions for CoffeeCup HTML Web...

User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Andrew Vallee wrote:
Wish list for Web form builder..

The ability to Multi Highlight several elements already setup in a form and save those elements into a new file maybe a CoffeeFormClass file (CFC extension) this would allow for the loading of such a class or classes into a new form and only have to add in other elements that are not in the classes that are needed. Making future form developments faster as class libraries grow from form to form.

Also would like to wish for the ability of the four basic math functions to be included so if someone types in 95 in one number field and 95 in another I could have a read only math field that allows me to multiple them and display the 9025 answer. or divide or add or subtract. Also would be nice to allow for negative numbers in the number input fields.

Love the idea of saving elements in a class, sort of like a Snippet setup so you can just add them in, great idea Andrew.

And of course I also am for the ability to do math functions built into the program.
User 376096 Photo

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32 posts

Crux of the Biscuit wrote:
Here's my two centavos on the new form builder. I found that the old flash form builder was alot easier to customize. In particular, you could size it much smaller and had superior control over placement of the input fields. I really liked it. And in fact I ended up leaving it on my site instead of replacing it as I really am not happy with the new one. It's too darn big.

I created a form in the new program and was not nearly as pleased. I could not get the form to size smaller and after trying to make it smaller I found that the lack of control over the placement of the input fields made the form look totally convoluted. When I did get it to look "decent" it was way bigger than I wanted. There need s to be a way to decrease the height of the input field and better control of there placement. This one, not so much. IMHO.

Was this ever addressed for suggestions?
User 125842 Photo

69 posts

Would like to see a non-destructive update option...

I have manually modified my forms, with things like conditional DIV's and CSS (ex., portrait / landscape modes..)

but every time I do a change to the form using the Webform Builder, it overwrites all files and I have to go back and add the modifications again..

One way to do it, would be for the app to look for special words in the code, and leave anything inside that marked code block alone... It would make the manual adjustment job a lot easier...

It can be something like this:

<!-- No destruct zone start -->
<!-- No destruct zone end --> (or <!-- No destruct zone end //--> )

and in CSS files

/* No destruct zone start */
/* No destruct zone end */

another improvement, would be an option to ONLY save modified files in the Exported "package" - to easy updates..

User 2389967 Photo

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7 posts

1 Facility to upload multiple files
2 Facility to have concurrent connections to S Drive
3 Ability to download attachments and submissions in bulk to store on local server

Keep up great work.
User 1882563 Photo

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9 posts

I would like to see the ability to dislay results based on drop down form input. For example, If I prompt for a product number, I would like to be able to display additional information based on the product number selection.
User 187934 Photo

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20,259 posts

I would agree. I would like to be able to populate the date form a mysql database.:)

Jeff Zide wrote:
I would like to see the ability to dislay results based on drop down form input. For example, If I prompt for a product number, I would like to be able to display additional information based on the product number selection.

I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

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User 208580 Photo

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38 posts

How about an easy way to make the form work on WordPress, or perhaps detailed instructions how to do it for beginners (I did see many posts in the forum, but I am not a CSS coder)?

Love the software, BTW! It would be nice to be able to use it on my WordPress sites and not have to use the G.....forms plugin.:D

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Art Harpster wrote:
How about an easy way to make the form work on WordPress, or perhaps detailed instructions how to do it for beginners (I did see many posts in the forum, but I am not a CSS coder)?

Love the software, BTW! It would be nice to be able to use it on my WordPress sites and not have to use the G.....forms plugin.:D

We actually did Art. Just publish your form to S-Drive and embed the code and your form will instantly work. ;)
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 208580 Photo

Registered User
38 posts

Thanks Scott! I just have to read more about S-Drive. I do have an S-drive account that I registered with a domain name that I don't use (can I switch it to another domain name that I want to be active)?

How many web forms can I publish to an S-drive account coming from several other regular hosting accounts? :)
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Art Harpster wrote:
Thanks Scott! I just have to read more about S-Drive. I do have an S-drive account that I registered with a domain name that I don't use (can I switch it to another domain name that I want to be active)?

How many web forms can I publish to an S-drive account coming from several other regular hosting accounts? :)

Yes, you can even point your very own domain name over to your S-Drive account as well.

The free plan allows a single form, but we do have other plans that offer additional services as well. You can view these plans here at
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.

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