Suggestions for CoffeeCup HTML Web...

User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Tom Kadel wrote:
I want to ask the form-filler to list individual members of a group and an activity they are interested in from a list. I thought I would just put a text box and ask the operator to put one person and activity suggestion per line. But, in preview mode at least, when I hit return it takes me back to the beginning of the form. Is there a way to have the operator fill in one name and activity per line (with paragraph breaks, I assume) so that I can receive those names in a group?

I don't believe there is a way to do this outright, but one way would be to create separate text field (not box) for each person and put conditionals in so that X number of boxes show up depending on a previous field where they can choose how many members they will be entering via radio buttons. It would go something like this:

How many members will you be submitting?
O 1-5 O 6-10 O 11-15

If they choose the first radio button choice then have it show 5 text fields for member entries, if they choose the 2nd then have it show 10 text fields and so on. Be sure to label your fields accordingly so you know which actual parent field they belong to so I would suggest something like this for the text fields:

and so on
Then call the original question that asks them how many something like:

Tie them all together with conditionals and that should work pretty slick. :)
User 458848 Photo

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39 posts

Can you make a setting for the margin to be set as auto so the form can be centered.
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

I would love to see a way to setup the payment parts of the form (fields etc.) without having to setup the Payment Gateway. I've come across this situation a few times now and each time I'm stuck at a standstill and cannot even see how it gets setup until I setup a payment gateway. In the end we end up using a PayPal button for them which I'd rather not have to do.

So, the ability to setup all the fields etc of the payment situation where we can fill in the rest of the Payment Gateway stuff when we're ready for it would be extremely helpful.
User 187934 Photo

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20,259 posts

I would like to have a regular expression comments box.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2611426 Photo

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11 posts

CC is selling over the world so in Europe too. Why not making it possible to adjust the language of the messages ?
For example if a field is required, we see "this field is required" but we have nowhere the possibility to adjust that message to our own languages (Dutch in my case). Except if we change the code in the java files. So make it possible to adjust all message to a message we chose ourselves ?

The second suggestion is the Iframe. It slows down the entire page if embedded. A pop-up is not actual anymore cause a lot of the browsers are blocking pop-up's for standard as a messure of security. Can you make it so that WFB makes the fields directly in the html file by working close together with HTML editor?

User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Carl wrote:
CC is selling over the world so in Europe too. Why not making it possible to adjust the language of the messages ?
For example if a field is required, we see "this field is required" but we have nowhere the possibility to adjust that message to our own languages (Dutch in my case). Except if we change the code in the java files. So make it possible to adjust all message to a message we chose ourselves ?

Agreed, that would be a very good idea for those that aren't native English readers.

Carl wrote:

The second suggestion is the Iframe. It slows down the entire page if embedded. A pop-up is not actual anymore cause a lot of the browsers are blocking pop-up's for standard as a messure of security. Can you make it so that WFB makes the fields directly in the html file by working close together with HTML editor?

This is already possible for you, just take the code from the actual .html page that the program gives you in the folder inside the _exported folder. You may need to adjust the paths a little in your page, but that's a very minimal thing to do compared to having to edit the code in the files for the form. The code that the program gives you is basically loading that .html file so you can use that .html code directly instead of using the iframe setup.

You may still need a little bit of the code though that the program gives you, I haven't tried it, I just know it's doable as it's been suggested to others to do it that way before. :)
User 2611426 Photo

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11 posts

hey thanks for the advice, I will try that one.

I've just tested the shop and there again are all messages in English. So I did a search for the sentence "There are no items in your cart." and found 33 hits in 14 files. And this only for this one sentence. :/

Please CC developers, make your software not only in English if you are selling over the world.
Thank you.
User 143493 Photo

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92 posts

Woody wrote:
This is re-posted from the WFB general discussion:
Multi-page forms are on the "coming soon" horizon looking at the WFB specs, so will there be a facility to for a user to save a form part way through before coming back to complete it and make a final submission?".

Multi-page forms have been on the horizon for a longtime now!
Onward Through The fog!
User 132002 Photo

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131 posts

Carl wrote:
CC is selling over the world so in Europe too. Why not making it possible to adjust the language of the messages ?
For example if a field is required, we see "this field is required" but we have nowhere the possibility to adjust that message to our own languages (Dutch in my case). Except if we change the code in the java files. So make it possible to adjust all message to a message we chose ourselves ?

Think about it. How many languages would CC have to translate it into.

In the Error Message field you can type your own message, in your own language.
Søren, Denmark
User 1904192 Photo

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7 posts

In the 'old days' we used a two column language lookup file. In the left column was the default phrase, and in the right column there was what the end user wanted to be transmitted. You could either customize the message or else write it out in another language. True, that still only gives you the option for one default language / customization, but at least it gives you the choice. This isn't about solving the world with one soltuion, it's about giving each a person a choice for how they want the software to display for them. Sometimes people don't need answers, they need options. :)

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