Suggestions for CoffeeCup HTML Web...

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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David Miller wrote:
How About A Partial Update or Fully Automated Uploader?

I use WFB often for client websites. Sometimes I'll build a form, install it on a test page on the client's site, tell the client to check it out, then they come back with, "That's great, but could you change ... ?" Sometimes I also want to change a form after it's on a site. Okay, not sometimes - let's make that often.

The way things are now, we have to recompile the entire form, then replace all the code on our site with the recompiled code, even if all we've done is change the field order or the color of some text. This is far more involved than it needs to be. As you know, the watchwords of computerdom are "anything you do repeatedly, the computer can do better and faster."

Therefore, I have a couple of suggestions I hope will make WFB even better.

1. Give Us A Partial Updater. Once we have saved/published a form, perhaps the program could track which files change whenever we make an update after that. When we are ready to post the changes to our site, perhaps we could have the option to replace only those files that have changed. We would, of course, need the path along with the file name. For small or even moderate changes to the form, this could save us a ton of time.

The next suggestion is more involved, but it would make the program infinitely more user-friendly.

2. Add a Dedicated FTP Client To The Program. The FTP client would require us to enter the Username and Password for FTP access to the folder where the page containing our form lives, and the name of the file that has the page on it. As an example, let's say the file is at We would then need to put either <ccwfb></ccwfb> or <div id="ccwfb"></div> tags in our HTML where we want our form to go.

Once we enter the Username, Password, and file name and path, that information is stored with the WFB form file (fb file). Whenever we elect to publish the form, the program would automatically upload all required files to our server, and insert the WFB script inside the appropriate tags in the designated file. It would do a full upload on first publication, and a partial upload on subsequent re-publishings.

You asked how you could make the product even better? This seems like it would be a super upgrade.

I hope you agree.


You can do that now David. When you export your form you have all the source files. If you just make a text change, only upload the form.cfg.php file. If you make structural changes you have to upload all the files. For me, export and upload only takes 3 minutes tops. You cannot get any faster than that! :)

As to FTP, that we probably never will include. The reason is the majority of people use their favorite web editor to control their content. They export to their project folder and upload there. I can see where having one in would be handy, but it is somewhat redundant.

Keep the suggestions coming! :)
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User 1617439 Photo

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Is any thought being given to provide the ability to edit the content that is saved in our Forms Space. Example: We collect reservation requests for a picnic pavilion. (Date, time, contact information and number of people, etc.) Sometimes we are sent changes to the time or contact info or some other element of data. Presently we delete the old record (row) and re-enter the data. We know we could download the file to a spreadsheet and maintain the row there but then we'd be maintaining two sets of data.

Any thoughts?

Mike B.
User 2693618 Photo

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I would love to be able to dummy proof our forms a bit. Some people in the rush of filling out all of our online school bus forms are saying they thought they filled it out but it did not go through. I always ask.. did you see a Thank you message and the results of your submission form? They say no.. but did not notice the items in RED that were not completed correctly. It would be nice if they hit submit AND they did not fill out the form completely that a pop up could come up and say Please see the items in red that are required in the form. (in other words... dummy you filled out the form wrong, fix it and then we can accept it. In a big glaring pop up they cannot miss because they are in too much of a hurry to check the form is completed properly. Hell they could not fill out the form, so they kinda need a sign BIG BIG sign.. if you know what I mean. LOL) Unfortunately the common sense in our world is just not common enough.

Can you help me out here guys?

I can code the pop up myself if you tell me where and I am glad to share the code. Where should it go so I don't screw up your system and it does not get overwritten with any automatic updates?
Tina O'Connell
User 2693618 Photo

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Mike Bielkiewicz wrote:
Is any thought being given to provide the ability to edit the content that is saved in our Forms Space. Example: We collect reservation requests for a picnic pavilion. (Date, time, contact information and number of people, etc.) Sometimes we are sent changes to the time or contact info or some other element of data. Presently we delete the old record (row) and re-enter the data. We know we could download the file to a spreadsheet and maintain the row there but then we'd be maintaining two sets of data.

Any thoughts?

Mike B.

Mike the web form builder pro version has the ability to export the results of the form straight into a database.. that is what I did and then I could edit it there in php my admin or build an interface for it using a tool like appgini or something ( easy peasy.. let me know if you need any help. Thanks.
Tina O'Connell
User 10077 Photo

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When doing a manual export, the window in which to select the export folder keeps its size. If I adjust it larger or smaller, the next time I export, the window will be the same size. For windows where I have to click through a tree as FB does, I like larger windows so I don't have to scroll down as far to see the folder into which the export is going. Consequently, when I move the manual export window up and make it larger, the next time I export, the OK button is way off the screen.

The window seems to default to the center of the screen and about 1/3 of the way down. I'm guessing this positioning was added to accommodate differing screen widths. Perhaps it be possible to have the export form "remember" it's last position or to appear closer to the top of the screen. That would be more convenient.
I provide personalized help for Coffeecup Users including personal or group training for Site Designer, Web Form Builder and more via Zoom.
Email me at or call 865-687-7698.

Did you know that Web Form Builder can be used for both simple and complicated forms and that it's not limited to the default fonts and buttons? Take a look at a form we developed for … ppingcart/
User 10077 Photo

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Just noticed today that though the section break shows a display rule, it does not hold it. I can insert it (being sure to click the insert button and seeing the condition written out in the box), switch to a different element on the form, and when I come back to the section break, the condition is back to "Display Always."

You might consider allowing the section breaks to be displayed conditionally.
I provide personalized help for Coffeecup Users including personal or group training for Site Designer, Web Form Builder and more via Zoom.
Email me at or call 865-687-7698.

Did you know that Web Form Builder can be used for both simple and complicated forms and that it's not limited to the default fonts and buttons? Take a look at a form we developed for … ppingcart/
User 695331 Photo

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I would like to have an option to include empty fields in [_form_results_]. When they read the email my users like to see the whole form so they can more easily check which questions the responder has not answered. We could make all fields compulsory and make the responders enter NA but that is unnecessary extra work for them.
User 10077 Photo

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David Stephensen wrote:
I would like to have an option to include empty fields in [_form_results_]. When they read the email my users like to see the whole form so they can more easily check which questions the responder has not answered. We could make all fields compulsory and make the responders enter NA but that is unnecessary extra work for them.

You can create a custom layout of your form results now. Type your response exactly like you would like it and insert the data from the form fields by putting the field names in brackets.
I provide personalized help for Coffeecup Users including personal or group training for Site Designer, Web Form Builder and more via Zoom.
Email me at or call 865-687-7698.

Did you know that Web Form Builder can be used for both simple and complicated forms and that it's not limited to the default fonts and buttons? Take a look at a form we developed for … ppingcart/
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Hi David,

You can view a tutorial I made a few months ago that kinda explains how to do this. Its a two in one tutorial of adding and configuring a web form and adding it to RLMP.

It can be viewed here:

Hope this helps:cool:
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User 695331 Photo

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The point is that the application already has a really good, well laid out default email layout that provides everything, but leaves out blank fields: [_form_results_]

I have a complex form with over 30 fields. To build that email myself with the field titles and field contents in the right order would take time. When all we want is the default email but with blank fields included, it is unfair for the client to have to pay for a whole email layout to be created and maintained.

What I am requesting is a simple switch or alternative option like [_form_results_all_fields_]

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