The new Web Form Builder is here! -...

User 126492 Photo

1,524 posts

Mark Searson wrote:
Scott Swedorski wrote:
I will have to check into the Firefox 3, but that maybe too old of a browser. I will look into that tomorrow. As to Chrome, I see the file upload just fine here in OSX and Windows. Did you clear your cache?

This is the latest version of Firefox Scott 3.6.23

Hi Mark.

Not seen you around for a long time, how are things with you.

I have Firefox 7.0.1

User 197744 Photo

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Scott Swedorski wrote:
Robert Allen wrote:
Looks fantastic. Just wanted to clarify one thing. With the full version will I be able to do the same as the flash version and have the PHP and other files generated automatically and saved to my local pc I can then ftp them so that my server posts the message?

Yes, in the FULL version you will have that ability.

Fantastic I have been waiting for something like this for a long time.
User 433389 Photo

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1 post

It's really good :)

2 questions about date field:
- Will be possible in the FULL version to change the first day of the week? In Europe the usual is Monday.
- I would like to change the month and day names to localize the form. Will it be possible?
User 122279 Photo

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Someone mentioned they wanted to see some phone number verification. Not sure what kind of verification is meant, but if it means a certain (fixed) number of digits for country code, area code and phone numbers, do be careful with that! Not every country in the world has the same phone number format as in the US. Some countries don't have any area code e.g. and the numbers will be of different length.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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User 1948478 Photo

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Inger Eik wrote:
...Not every country in the world has the same phone number format as in the US...

Couldn't agree more with this caution! Even large organizations/companies (banks and credit card companies come to mind), that supposedly have an international target audience, often make this mistake. It is very frustrating to go through the process of filling in a lengthy form, only to have it bounce back with the message that the phone number is not valid. My solution now is to simply put in an entirely random number that fit the US pattern (but with a valid area code!)...
User 235972 Photo

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Just purchased the mega pack aswell, one thing though, I cant find the graphics that came with it? I downloaded them to a location but they are not visable when trying to access through web image studio.
Anyone know which folder they are suppost to be in?
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User 187934 Photo

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Browse to the file location with windows and try clicking or dbl clicking on it and I think it will install.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

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User 126492 Photo

1,524 posts

2 things missing so far that are in the Flash version.

1. naming one of the drop down boxes as "Subject" so that visitors can choose the subject line for their message.

2. Drop down box for users to pick an email address they would like the email to go to, ie: different departments.

I tried naming a drop down as the Subject field but it didn't work, this is really helpull for different departments in a company.
User 2287960 Photo

580 posts

Scott Swedorski wrote:

You have that ability now Mark. Add a "Date Field" then click on the "Properties Tab". Under the "Date Format" change it to whatever you like.

I can not change to 25/12/11 format.

User 2287960 Photo

580 posts

Scott Swedorski wrote:

There is actually a pretty cool feature in the software now Bruce. Go to the Export Menu > Automated Form Processing. You can hack away. ;)

Tested and works well, simple way to install form on a page.


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