When you use the Captcha option, your form has to at least have a width of 500.
The CAPTCHA box does have a hard-coded dimensions, so if you reduce the width of your form smaller then the box, it will overlap some what.
Just playing with Automated Form Export.
I have it on a normal page which has no css on it just to start with. I left the Catpcha set to Automatic S-Drive, but it gave an error of invalid key on the page. I assume that this was because I had exported the form.
I set captcha to Manual, then went to Google to sign up for the keys, didn't know you could setup a global key.
Here is the exported form:-
I noticed if you don't fill in a required field, or get the Captcha text wrong the page goes to your s-drive page, not surprising really as the form is also uploaded there.