Unable to start webform builder on...

User 516429 Photo

Registered User
83 posts

I'm unable to start webform builder on my windows 11 machine, but it had worked before. I've attached a screenshot of the Error message I get. Any idea how to fix it? I've uninstalled and reinstalled a few times with no luck. I installed a very old version of form builder and that seems to load so not sure what's wrong. Please help!
User 379556 Photo

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1,580 posts

Since reinstallation of WFB hasn't helped, and I haven't found any problems in loading WFB after the latest Windows updates, it may be that something has gone awry with some Windows system files which occasionally go missing or get corrupted.

There are a couple of Windows tools that may help, and https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/win … d86e0ef4ca gives details about using them.

It may also be worth downloading again the installation file for WFB in case the reinstallations have been from a corrupted installation file.

User 516429 Photo

Registered User
83 posts

Hi Frank, thanks for replying and tips. I've already tried all the windows tools with no luck. I've downloaded a fresh copy of WFB but get the same error message. Ran CCleaner to clean the registty, then reinstalled WFB. No luck either. I have submitted a support ticket so am waiting to hear from them. I've got some issues receiving emails on my various forms so getting access to WFB is really important right now so hopefully support will be able to figure out the issue. Thanks!
User 379556 Photo

Registered User
1,580 posts

Hi Mark.

I hope the CoffeeCup team can resolve the matter quickly for you.

I would be inclined to take a look at the various fixes mentioned at https://thegeekpage.com/configuration-s … nitialize/ . Fix 2 looks promising if it turns out that uninstalling the program was failing to remove all the configuration files at

C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\CoffeeCup Software\CoffeeCup HTML Editor\Settings

It could be that, on reinstalling, a corrupted configuration file wasn't being overwritten.

User 516429 Photo

Registered User
83 posts

Hi Frank,

Well I tried all of the suggestions and still cannot get the program to load. I'm pretty sure its some configuration issue since the older version of WFB does load but of course I cannot open of the newer form files.

Thanks for you help again.
User 2624719 Photo

Registered User
282 posts

Hi Mark
i would load the latest microsoft .net as it has an error in it link to file make sure you download correct on for your OS Good Luck


User 516429 Photo

Registered User
83 posts

Hi Adrian,
you're my hero! I installed the new .net and it worked! I was trying to find where the dot net files that I could try when I decided to pop back on the forum. Glad I did as I saw that you took the time to reply. Been waiting for support to get back to me since last thursday but no reply as yet. Now at least I can get back to work.
Thanks again,

PS., I had another business client management program that mysteriously stopped working and you fix got it working too! So much happiness here now! Thanks

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