Upgrade to Version 2.20?? - Page 3 -...

User 2088758 Photo

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Phat Monkey wrote:
They want $119.00 to go from 2.9 to 2.20 with hardly anything changed except it works with PHP8. I had to check my calender to make sure we are in the Month of May and not April Fools Day.... geez... hahaha... funny though... I wont be investing in greed :lol:

Thats really not a bad price to get the form to work with PHP 8 . There will be a time when this will be required by the host. That being said I would have loved to see more changes then just that. I have been using this app for many many years with no issue so to spend a hundred its really not that big of a deal.

I would rather spend more money on the Webform Designer to see it integrated into the WFB. Trying to edit files after export to alter the theme is a pain in the butt!

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Phat Monkey wrote:
They want $119.00 to go from 2.9 to 2.20 with hardly anything changed except it works with PHP8. I had to check my calender to make sure we are in the Month of May and not April Fools Day.... geez... hahaha... funny though... I wont be investing in greed :lol:

Steve wrote:
[Thats really not a bad price to get the form to work with PHP 8 .

Software engineers don't come cheap, specialist software engineers don't come even cheaper, they can command and get high prices for their services. CC are not a massive tech giant with unlimited funds. It has taken a long time to do the update yes, and there will be reasons for that, and I am pretty sure that knowing a little bit about specialist engineers salaries/prices etc that Brett and the team, will have considered the price that they feel is appropriate enough to get a return on their investment, I am also sure that it doesn't include being greedy.

Steve mentioned a time that the hosting service will require PHP8 as a minimum,, I believe that time is upon us. Unfortunately if you only have the one or two forms out there as opposed to the many forms for different clients, then $119 may feel a little bit expensive, but probably not as expensive overall as spending time and money finding a freeby form builder/template service (which usually has a watermark or something as part of the deal) and doesn't look anywhere near as professional as we can make a form using WFB.
I agree with Steve that it is a little disappointing that their arn't more things available to us a lot of which are great suggestions from users who care about CC as a service and a company and wish to see it continue, grow and flourish.

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User 389612 Photo

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I bit the bullet with the discount.
I only have a few forms where others have lots.
Hopefully some of the suggestions get worked on now since they passed a major hurdle.
User 1222433 Photo

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I understand your points gentlemen and I have thoroughly read them, but I have to respectfully disagree with your points. The industry is currently full of greed, especially the music industry, nobody will convince me that $119 justifies the upgrade from a previous version when hardly anything has changed.
Do not get me wrong, I understand CP is a small team but I also noticed that there were hardly any updates to the Web Designer app over the 3 years or so I have paid to keep up, a simple spell checker would be something, it is still very buggy, I jumped ship from SERIF Designer Pro X as the CP product was promising, but it is developing at a snails pace. However we are not here to talk about that, I am here to comment on the WebForm and I will stick firmly to my point that greed is rife and this upgrade price is shamefully an example of it.

Hope you all have a great day... :)
User 2049535 Photo

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I disagree, respectfully. This upgrade was well worth the cost. I guess if one only has one site to manage, it may seem a lot, but then use other codes to do a form. Lots of freebies out there. For myself, with 60+ sites, and server gods demanding a migration to php8 SOON for my dedicated servers, I am grateful that CC finalized the upgrade. I am working through all the site forms now.
User 556652 Photo

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152 posts

Has anyone gotten this error message (see attached) when starting Web Form Builder? If so do you have any suggestions on how to remedy it. I have asked support and they suggested the following that has not helped.

It's not normal to see WxWidgets alerts when starting the application.
Did you uninstall the previous version of WFB before installing the new version?
Did you install in the default path on the C drive?
It's possible that the settings file used by our applications is corrupt. You can try deleting it to see if that fixes it. Close WFB before deleting.
The settings file is located at: C:\Users\<user_name>\AppData\Roaming\SharedSettings.ccs

This is the error
c:\cc ma ster-rep os\dom-engine\lib vendor\wxwidget 5.3. 1.O\win\indude\wx\arrstr.h(190): assert ‘nindex < m_nCount' failed in wxArrayString::Item0= wxArrayString: index out of bounds
Call stack:
D1] 5C68AF90
02] 5C6BADCA
03] 5C857QFO
04] 5C689C4B
OS] RtIFreeHeap
06] free_base
Do you want to stop the program?
You can also choose [Cancel] to suppress further warnings.
Artist At Heart
User 2624719 Photo

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275 posts

Hi Iwetzel

Have you installed the new version or is this from the old version 2.10 ?

Cheers Adrian
User 341550 Photo

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5 posts

Good day,
I have been experiencing bots filling out the forms on the various websites I maintain. I was looking to include a honey pot in the forms as a deterrent with or without the recaptcha but don't see that option in the new version of form builder just released. Any way to incorporate it into the form? Thanks
User 556652 Photo

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152 posts

adrian horn wrote:
Hi Iwetzel

Have you installed the new version or is this from the old version 2.10 ?

Cheers Adrian

Sorry Adrian I just saw this.

I was trying to install 2.20 but kept getting the error message. Contacted support and they suggested to uninstall 2.10 then install 2.20. I had but tried again (many times.) I even went back and installed 2.10 then uninstalled and tried 2.20 but go the error anyway. Sent logs and then was told to uninstall WFB version I currently had and reboot. When I did that it miraculously runs fine with no error.

Sometimes you have to battle the demons!

Thanks for checking.

Artist At Heart
User 2863844 Photo

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16 posts

Is it worth it yet?

I¨m running 10 forms on s-drive as my webhost changed to PHP8 last year.
Having issues with email getting stuck to customers even though I added coffeecup mail server to spf.

would I have more luck with mail if I move forms to my own server and use my own imap?

Any ideas on how to implement text version in a html mail?
Seems like they want it to make it easier to slip trough spam filters.

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