Web Form Builder Update Now...

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User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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Guy Regimbal wrote:
Is Webform Builder 1.2 a version that has to be repurchased? I do not see it as an update on my software list.


1.2 has not been released yet.
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User 574966 Photo

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1.2 with fields appropriate for credit cards? Have got one working but need to change it. If I do it with current version I need to do plenty in the post processing. Would prefer live version.

Sorry to bug but just how soon is soon......?
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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I would HIGHLY recommend you never use any web form for collecting credit card data. All information collected on a form is sent over email which is unencrypted. This means anyone who gets into your email has access to credit card data.
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User 574966 Photo

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Sorry I was not as clear as I could be.

I do not use the email or database portion, I use the form front end, and cut in to a new php backend to redirect data to the merchant service. I use your form designer to create the form and check for valid formats. Redirect to new backend uses a modification to the 'method="post"' created in your output html file which redirects to my php rather than yours.

What I am hoping for from your new release is 16 digit # field (I have a working version), number format checker (already buried in your code and functioning well) and a number field that will accept 2 decimal places (I currently have to use a text field).

I will continue to use my own backend to actually process the payments. Your form developer saves me the pain of laying out forms, etc.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Version 1.2 will have a new field called Regular Expressions. With that you will be able to do practically anything you want.

http://www.coffeecup.com/help/articles/ … m-builder/
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User 452266 Photo

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Scott Swedorski wrote:
I would HIGHLY recommend you never use any web form for collecting credit card data. All information collected on a form is sent over email which is unencrypted. This means anyone who gets into your email has access to credit card data.

What I was hoping for is for the Web Form to take the data (Name, address, phone, email, etc.), then the items the person was ordering, add them up for a total (like in Shopping Cart), then take them to Paypal or a payment center with the total input to the Payment center, and let them pay there. And if all of the info was input to an SQL server, and your Web Form is on a SSL site, there shouldn't be a problem. Unless I'm missing something.

May The Good Lord Take A Likin' To You,
Sandcrab3 (Scooterman)
User 2303124 Photo

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Steve Emery wrote:

What I am hoping for from your new release is 16 digit # field (I have a working version), number format checker (already buried in your code and functioning well) and a number field that will accept 2 decimal places (I currently have to use a text field).

I will continue to use my own backend to actually process the payments. Your form developer saves me the pain of laying out forms, etc.

I am looking for a 12 digit field for ebay validated entries so plus 1 to the number field. (I have mine ready now) /^[0-9]+$/ lol

Would there be any chance to add your solution to the tips and tricks section to see if we can understand what it is you actually do please??
User 2303124 Photo

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87 posts

one thing I am exploring is something many will have wanted but I dont see as it exists yet.

Ebay is the best market place bar none for visibility. Its also one of uthe most restrictive especially in terms of unique purchases.

For example if I wish to sell t shorts with designs on I cant do so through ebay unless they are pre produced as the facility to customise does not exist in ebay....what I need is a method of allowing a buyer to purchase a token/code/shirt, which ever way I can do it.

Then I want them to be able to access an online T shirt engine that will produce custom shorts based on pre designs, customers own designs or a mixture of the two.

I will be working with the engine designer to get a direct option hopefully but I had thoughts to enable something to be purchased via ebay and then a unique code could be input into a form (created in CC Webform builder). I wanted to take this route so I could also sell codes on other platforms without ebays draconian rules and extortionate prices but achieving the same end result.

Obviously there are more elegant routes but I am not a programmer and ebay's API is very restrictive.

Thoughts please on accepting unique codes and potentially generating them??
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Andy Taylor wrote:
Steve Emery wrote:

What I am hoping for from your new release is 16 digit # field (I have a working version), number format checker (already buried in your code and functioning well) and a number field that will accept 2 decimal places (I currently have to use a text field).

I will continue to use my own backend to actually process the payments. Your form developer saves me the pain of laying out forms, etc.

I am looking for a 12 digit field for ebay validated entries so plus 1 to the number field. (I have mine ready now) /^[0-9]+$/ lol

Would there be any chance to add your solution to the tips and tricks section to see if we can understand what it is you actually do please??

That is exactly what Regular Expressions will be great for. ;)
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.

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