Great work Scott and the team ! I LOVE the new version.
I was waiting on multiple file upload before I could use it so I'm a happy camper...

Just a few questions/points...
- I need a decimal point in the number field. I have changed it to a text field for nowbut would prefer to limit it to numbers if possible.
- I tested it on my iPhone and it was awesome - checkboxes and dropdowns are perfect ! Should the file upload work ? I noticed it changed from 'Browse' to 'Choose File' when using Mozilla on iPhone but I couldn't select a file.
Thanks again - great work

The Number Element was not designed for any other function other then entering numbers. Very soon we will have Phone Number and Money Magical Element which will add the functionality many people are looking for.
The upload file button will only work on desktop computers. On an iPhone, there is no file system to browse.