Web Form Builder Update Now...

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Leanne Williams wrote:
Great work Scott and the team ! I LOVE the new version.

I was waiting on multiple file upload before I could use it so I'm a happy camper...:D

Just a few questions/points...

- I need a decimal point in the number field. I have changed it to a text field for nowbut would prefer to limit it to numbers if possible.

- I tested it on my iPhone and it was awesome - checkboxes and dropdowns are perfect ! Should the file upload work ? I noticed it changed from 'Browse' to 'Choose File' when using Mozilla on iPhone but I couldn't select a file.

Thanks again - great work :)

The Number Element was not designed for any other function other then entering numbers. Very soon we will have Phone Number and Money Magical Element which will add the functionality many people are looking for.

The upload file button will only work on desktop computers. On an iPhone, there is no file system to browse.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 2303124 Photo

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Is there any way round entering 12 numbers Scott. At the moment we cant enter that many numbers.
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,226 posts

Your not the only one asking for more numbers. Try putting it in the suggestion thread.:)
http://www.coffeecup.com/forums/web-for … m-builder/
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2303124 Photo

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87 posts

Eric Rohloff (Rolly) wrote:
Your not the only one asking for more numbers. Try putting it in the suggestion thread.:)
http://www.coffeecup.com/forums/web-for … m-builder/

I think I have mate already.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Hey Form Builders!

Well, you won't believe it, but we have an update to Web Form Builder that includes a few tweaks we wanted to wrap up before the end of the year. This will probably be the last update for 2011 barring anything new reported by Soren. ;)

So far it's been a surprisingly strong app! It's normal for a first release to need some adjustments, but we're pretty happy with the way things have been going so far. We've got some more ideas coming after the New Year, so watch out for those, too.

So what cool stuff has been added to Web Form Builder (Build 3033) in this update? Here's an overview:
  • The form results now follow the tab order in your form. This means your [form_results], CSV and MySQL will all be in order displayed on your form
  • Adjusted markup for Manual Server Setup so that it can now be previewed locally in any website project
  • Fixed issue with non-English character sets appearing incorrectly inside of MySQL
  • Updated Quick Start Guide

Many of these most recent tweaks were suggested through the feedback you guys gave us. For this, we can't thank you enough. You've made the product better for us, yourselves, and everyone else!

So with that, we hope you enjoy these enhancements. To download this update, please go to My Products from within your account. Once the software list appears, click the "download" button next Web Form Builder.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 464893 Photo

1,611 posts

Scott wrote
So what cool stuff has been added to Web Form Builder (Build 3026) in this update? Here's an overview:

I just downloaded the latest upgrade and the about box shows version 1.build 3008
in my case
Last downloaded on Dec 14, 2011
Released: Dec 14, 2011
So is this actually 3026 in disguise?

Adjusted markup for Manual Server Setup so that it can now be previewed locally in any website project

Is this the File=>> Export=>> Manual or does the version you speak of allow the setting of the server to upload the files.
I have been copying the html over into VSD and viewing that way

The Guy from OZ

User 464893 Photo

1,611 posts

I just checked and must be our time difference because downloading again gives me 3026 the upgrade on my 14 th was 3008. Now 3026 is coming down.So all should be as it should.

That is the trouble of living a day ahead of most of the planet. In a few hours it will be the 16 th

Just to let all know Santa comes here first :D
The Guy from OZ

User 464893 Photo

1,611 posts

I tried it, it works ok, great only having to put the body code in. FTPing is a pain I have two forms and it took a while to upload I use DFTP . However no worries I can zip it up and use my file manager in C Panel and upload and uncompress about 5 times faster for me. Our broadband is much slower than yours.
The Guy from OZ

User 132002 Photo

Registered User
131 posts

Scott Swedorski wrote:
Hey Form Builders!

Well, you won't believe it, but we have an update to Web Form Builder that includes a few tweaks we wanted to wrap up before the end of the year. This will probably be the last update for 2011 barring anything new reported by Soren. ;)

So far it's been a surprisingly strong app! It's normal for a first release to need some adjustments, but we're pretty happy with the way things have been going so far. We've got some more ideas coming after the New Year, so watch out for those, too.

So what cool stuff has been added to Web Form Builder (Build 3033) in this update? Here's an overview:
  • Fixed issue with non-English character sets appearing incorrectly inside of MySQL

Thank you. :)
Of course it was not mentioned as fixed, but if so there still is a problem with date format.
The input to MySql is dd-mm-yy but in MySql it says yy-mm-dd.
Søren, Denmark
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Soren Noernberg wrote:
Scott Swedorski wrote:
Hey Form Builders!

Well, you won't believe it, but we have an update to Web Form Builder that includes a few tweaks we wanted to wrap up before the end of the year. This will probably be the last update for 2011 barring anything new reported by Soren. ;)

So far it's been a surprisingly strong app! It's normal for a first release to need some adjustments, but we're pretty happy with the way things have been going so far. We've got some more ideas coming after the New Year, so watch out for those, too.

So what cool stuff has been added to Web Form Builder (Build 3033) in this update? Here's an overview:
  • Fixed issue with non-English character sets appearing incorrectly inside of MySQL

Thank you. :)
Of course it was not mentioned as fixed, but if so there still is a problem with date format.
The input to MySql is dd-mm-yy but in MySql it says yy-mm-dd.

I asked our developers about that and was told that this is correct. When you pull the data out of MySQL, you format it that way.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.

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