Web Form Builder Update Now...

User 187934 Photo

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20,223 posts

I think the number field has always been nine. How about a text field but hint the user with numbers.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
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This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2303124 Photo

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87 posts

I actually need it for an ebay number to be input so I probably could get away with using a text field but for some reason I was sure I had tried it before and it had allowed me to use more than the restrictive 9..

You can input them but when you click back to the form that stupid message pops up so perhaps I was too quick to think that bug had been fixed.

shame as its a real simple fix as well.
User 452266 Photo

Registered User
267 posts

Sorry if this is repetitive. I think that I had asked this question a while back, and was told it was coming shortly.

I could use the ability to add different email addresses, to each item in a drop down list. Like it did in the Flash version where in a drop down, you could enter it like this:
1. Support: support@mycompany.com
2. Sales: sales@mycompany.com; ceo@mycompany.com; salesmanager@ceo.com

Where it emails different people/multiple people, based on the selection in the drop down.

May The Good Lord Take A Likin' To You,
Sandcrab3 (Scooterman)
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Scooterman wrote:
Sorry if this is repetitive. I think that I had asked this question a while back, and was told it was coming shortly.

I could use the ability to add different email addresses, to each item in a drop down list. Like it did in the Flash version where in a drop down, you could enter it like this:
1. Support: support@mycompany.com
2. Sales: sales@mycompany.com; ceo@mycompany.com; salesmanager@ceo.com

Where it emails different people/multiple people, based on the selection in the drop down.

Yes, this is a feature that we are working on and will be in version 1.3. Version 1.2 is just about to be released with some very nice enhancements. ;)
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 452266 Photo

Registered User
267 posts

Thanks Scott. You're right on top of things, as usual!!!!
I appreciate you, and your team!

May The Good Lord Take A Likin' To You,
Sandcrab3 (Scooterman)
User 140444 Photo

Registered User
99 posts

Cool! That is great news...I was looking for that drop down functionality last week! Glad to hear it is under consideration for 1.3!
User 176817 Photo

Registered User
61 posts

Anyone else having the issue of adding email accounts in the settings.
This worked for me before.
Adding a emails to the Notification "To"
I can add emails that work and those recieve a message when form is sent.
However if the email has a dot in the name then no message is sent.
examples of good.
jshrimp@mymail.com; jayshrimplin@mymail.com <<<<<These work fine.
Examples of bad.
jay.shrimplin@mymail.com; jshrimp@my.mail.com <<<< These do not send.

Jay Shrimplin
User 176817 Photo

Registered User
61 posts

Seems the function is working it just takes too long for these to show up at my site as the company holds them as possible threats.

Jay Shrimplin
User 487322 Photo

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19 posts

Scott Swedorski wrote:
Scooterman wrote:
Hey Scott. I know that you may not want to answer this, but I'll ask anyway. :)
Do you have any target date for the Payments? That you are at liberty to share.....

You have to be joking right? ;)

I will just use my "Soon" time frame as that works very well. ;)

Web form builder is first class, like all Coffee Cup software I have, am I correct in thinking, Coffee Cup's dictionary defines "Soon" in the above sentence as within months, rather than years.
User 487322 Photo

Registered User
19 posts

Just wondered.
Will payment integration be seamless or a redirect to a payment gateway.

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