Hey Pama,
There may be another way. At my last job I used a built-in Windows protocol called RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) to run my work PC from my home PC. It was as though I was sitting at my desk - I could do anything!
There are apps that will let you use your Android tablet to do that same thing. I have not tried any myself, but I took a quick look at Google Play and here is one that gets good reviews and that sounds promising:
https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta … tcloudfree
There's a free one and a $14.99 'pro' option (more features). There are a lot of competing apps as well.
(Note: the app uses a "Touch Pointer [with] high accuracy screen control". Myself, I'd likely use my Motorola Xoom's external keyboard, because you no doubt know how much screen space the pop-up keyboard uses. It gets in the way!)
If you decide to try a remote-client app, please let us know how it works. I'd bet a lot of us would like to be able to run our CC software while on the go.