Google Webdevelopers Highlight Tool

User 615438 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

Hi support, hoping someone can help. Earlier today I was tinkering with Googles Webdeveloper Tools and used the HTML Highlighter Tool. This promptly torched my site and I haven't been able to fix it since. I have tried remounting, unpublishing the Tags et al. The site is fine in the VSD preview but no where thereafter. Hoping for a simple understandable fix.
All help appreciated.
Best regards
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Hiya Granders,

This isn't support on the user to user forums here so if you were attempting to do a support ticket it didn't make it to them, but instead ended up on the forums.

As for the tools, sounds like you need to do some google searching or contact google as they are the ones with the issue you're having rather than VSD. Someone here may know what's happening, sounds to me like you just need to turn it off so that the browser isn't showing the highlighting since the Google tools (as far as I know) do not actually do anything to your pages itself, usually all it does is give you information on what you can do to your pages yourself. My guess is you turned it on, but need to turn it off in some way either in the browser or in the Google tools setup.

Someone else may know, but if you don't get a different or working answer within a day I would suggest getting in touch with Google or doing a google search on it to find out how to fix it since it's not a VSD issue. Good luck! :)

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