How do you access your email?

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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Just looking for a bit of info from everyone here. How do you access your email currently? If you use Gmail for example, are you using Chrome/IE/Firefox or do you setup a POP/IMAP client?. If you are using Outlook, are you using 2004, 2010, 2013 etc.

For me, I only use Chrome to access my Gmail account but once and a while I accidentally open on OS X to check for some compatibilities. I hands down prefer my browser over an app. ;)

I do also HEAVILY use my iPhone and iPad for reading mail as well. Probably as much as I do with my browser.
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User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

I use Incredimail Premium. It's a PC app I've used for years. Access all my pop3 accounts, gmail, whatever ...

Personally, I hate going through a browser to read email. :P
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User 2484360 Photo

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Apple Mail! Sweet and to the point. :) I also use it on all my laptops, iPads and iPhones.
User 187934 Photo

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I use FX and or Chrome on my laptop. I don't have a Desktop anymore after the lightning strike. I rely heavenly on my iphone to check mail and respond. I'll keep as new any that I want to respond to through my laptop. I do have my work email setup through outlook 2013 but rarely use it. I typically use it to access old saved mail.
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User 38401 Photo

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Used to be Outlook 2013 as you already know, until I went to the dark side and got a Mac, and now I am with Adam on the Apple mail being pretty straight forward and easy to use.

I've been a Pop3/IMAP Clint user for as long as I can remember, anyone remember Juno before the internet was actually surf able by the public? :P
User 12512 Photo

228 posts

No email client on my pc, everything stored in the cloud with accounts at GMail, Zoho forwarding to Outlook, all accessed via pop/imap in the Outlook account. Access is through web browser or phone clients.

I used to use Gnu/Linux for a long time and switching distros regularly made me move away from desktop email clients.
User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

Yahoo Mail, Windows Live Mail and GMail (Firefox). I use Win. Live to access all accounts.
All on laptops. For phone I use text, no email.
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User 10077 Photo

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Gmail account: I use Chrome/Ffx on PC. I use Gmail app on iPad and Samsung Galaxy S4.
Yahoo account: I use Chrome/Ffx on PC. I use Yahoo app on iPad and Samsung Galaxy S4.
Pop accounts: I use Thunderbird on PC and the built in email apps on the iPad and Galaxy.
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User 434929 Photo

938 posts

Same here Yahoo Mail, Windows Live Mail and GMail (Firefox). I
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User 289442 Photo

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161 posts

Gmail and yahoo on phone and Chrome for personal, bs and non-business.

I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 email addresses tied to business/income producing web-sites. I never answer or send any business email with a generic email account ( such as yahoo, gmail, aol and such.). If I receive email addressed to - then it is answered by and so forth. For these I find Thunderbird to be most flexible and manageable.

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