Hi I am Brian... I am 75 and although I have been playing and learning about puters,I have not done any training(only to repair them for the SA lotteries Commission.Now I have a problem,probably for Eric and here it is .
The ISP I am on does not have SSI for free hosting and neither does CC so I even tried frames,total screw up. .
I am running a Dropotron Java menu,I believe a good one however I would like to be able to edit thee menu which alters all pages at once.I have,at the moment 120 pages ..
If one goes to my site and has a look at the source code,
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="menu">
the menu calls another JS that runs the menu but I would like to have the menu called from a html page which would allow me to edit and the all page menus would be in sync....
If some one wants to see the JS ,I could send it ...
Dis sent an email to the JS writer several days ago but have heard nothing back. JS is only 11 k with half as code ....
The ISP I am on does not have SSI for free hosting and neither does CC so I even tried frames,total screw up. .
I am running a Dropotron Java menu,I believe a good one however I would like to be able to edit thee menu which alters all pages at once.I have,at the moment 120 pages ..
If one goes to my site and has a look at the source code,
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="menu">
the menu calls another JS that runs the menu but I would like to have the menu called from a html page which would allow me to edit and the all page menus would be in sync....
If some one wants to see the JS ,I could send it ...
Dis sent an email to the JS writer several days ago but have heard nothing back. JS is only 11 k with half as code ....
I would repeat what I believe Inger suggested to you in a different thread, namely to use a "PHP Include" for your menu. Here is a good reference for how to use the PHP Include, with a simple example specifically for a menu:
I would repeat what I believe Inger suggested to you in a different thread, namely to use a "PHP Include" for your menu. Here is a good reference for how to use the PHP Include, with a simple example specifically for a menu:
Well the server I am with does not handle SSI unless I want to pay$200 more a year..and that is the problem...
If I were you, I'd shop around for a lower-priced host that includes PHP.
$200/year sounds quite expensive.
$200/year sounds quite expensive.
That's more than people on our server pay for the entire hosting package lol, you definitely need to find a different host Brains
I already pay $600 for ISP so I am not going to shell out $200 more..
This ISP is locally owned so I like to support local business and they do have stuff I like..
This ISP is locally owned so I like to support local business and they do have stuff I like..
I'm sorry but your local business is taking for a ride. Those prices are totally outside the normal of customary prices that most hosts charge.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.
This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.
This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
If you change to a host with PHP at, say, $150/yr, then if you really want to support the local business, you can give them $450 as a pure donation...
That way you: (1) pay the same as before, (2) support the local business, and (3) have access to PHP on your server!
How's that for a win/win/win...?
If you change to a host with PHP at, say, $150/yr, then if you really want to support the local business, you can give them $450 as a pure donation...
That way you: (1) pay the same as before, (2) support the local business, and (3) have access to PHP on your server!
How's that for a win/win/win...?
you may be right but this is OZ and the charges here are a little different to a country with 320 million and us with 23/23 .
we just don't have enough here for it to get cheaper..you get what you pay for and the service is excellent .
check these out
I think I have what I want.thanks
we just don't have enough here for it to get cheaper..you get what you pay for and the service is excellent .
check these out
I think I have what I want.thanks
$600 a year?????? and they want $200 more????? That's outrageous! I sent you a message, do feel free to check it out and see the difference.
What in the world is wrong with companies that take advantage of others like that?? That is definitely one of the problems with the internet though, many people don't know the difference so they pay the price thinking that's the norm when all along that company is raking them through the coals. Crazy crap!
What in the world is wrong with companies that take advantage of others like that?? That is definitely one of the problems with the internet though, many people don't know the difference so they pay the price thinking that's the norm when all along that company is raking them through the coals. Crazy crap!
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