Need help with SSI or PHP or whatever...

User 1948478 Photo

Senior Advisor
1,850 posts

Sorry, Brains, I must have misunderstood something here...
We seem to be mixing apples and oranges here or, rather, hosting and ISP.
I thought you were talking about hosting for $600/yr, but that's for ISP, right?
User 13379 Photo

37 posts

Ok Jo Ann ..just had a look ...I could get it cheaper BUT I have a monthly download and upload of 200 gig so if I dropped pricing I lose downloads ...At the moment I put a half tera in a few weeks ago.My total storage here is 3 12/ tera and have about one free .
I download and archive health,Fluoride,GMOs and vaccines information but I only have 50 meg for a web site and the hosting is part of the main pricing.
If I hosted offshore I would still have to go through and Isp here .
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Ohhhhh Per, thank you! lol, I too thought he was talking about his hosting not his internet.

Brains, your internet company has nothing to do with what is allowed on your hosting UNLESS they are the host you are using where they give you that free site to create. Usually all internet companies allow you to create 1 or a few sites on their network when you sign up with them. The difference here is that you are getting a "free" hosting setup there, you are not paying for that at all, that's just a bonus they include with your internet package.

Hosting of your website can be done anywhere unless this company is tied in with your business for the health archives. IF it is not tied into that, then you can host wherever you like, BUT keep in mind it's not going to be a free service. It will just have all the bells and whistles you need that your current internet company is not willing to provide free.

I can say that paying $200 a year for hosting is still much higher than what many companies charge so that is still an outrageous price for hosting in the end.

Unfortunately, you are in a spot where you are just going to have to bite the bullet and pay for hosting if you want to achieve the website setup you are aiming for by using includes in your pages. There are some web building software programs out there that do include the ability to create things like libraries and such that will automatically put the code on the pages for you rather than doing includes. They work fine, but they are extremely expensive so I guess you need to weight the pros and cons of how badly you need to use includes in your website. One of the main questions to ask is "how many pages do you have in your website that need to be updated each time you make a menu or footer change? If it's less than 10, don't bother with anything other than copying and pasting the code to each page. More than that and you will probably want to invest in hosting or software that can accommodate your needs.

That's about all you can do at this point if we're understanding you correctly and that $600 a year is for your internet not your hosting itself. And that's pretty cheap for your internet if you're allowed to do that kind of upload/download amount so.... Good luck whatever you decide to do on it. :)
User 13379 Photo

37 posts

OK Jo Ann ..that is it I pay for the ISP per annum and the hosting is basically part of the setup .but I do love my quick downloads.
at the moment I have 120 pages,not all up yet ...if you look I have 8 menu items only 5 expand to 5x5 plus a few extra branches,so you see I have a lot of editing and that is why it has to change .....
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Yep that's a lot of pages and there's no other option for you if you want that feature, than to change hosting to one that supports PHP and SSI, or change to software that gives you that option. I won't name any of them here as that wouldn't be proper, but you should be able to find them using a Google search and the terms "HTML Library" or "Using HTML Libraries" and similar. They are pricey though, some $400 or more so expect that. Just depends on what you want to spend your money on, hosting or software and that's not a question we can answer for you as it's your money :P
User 464893 Photo

1,611 posts

I live in OZ and my host is in Indiana $45us/year with all the bells and whistles. First support your self then with whats left support your favorite charity.
The Guy from OZ

User 13379 Photo

37 posts

OK Prism do you get to Indiana and what facilities do you have with that ISP ??????
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Not an ISP Brains, Prism is talking about hosting. That's something you can do anywhere that you want to. You can get hosting on the other side of the world if you like, it may affect your page load speeds a bit if you're on the other side of the world, but not much really.
User 13379 Photo

37 posts

Thanks Jo Ann But how does he get to his host ???????
User 1948478 Photo

Senior Advisor
1,850 posts

Brains wrote:
Thanks Jo Ann But how does he get to his host ???????

He would 'get to' his host via their website.

That also makes it obvious that the physical location of the hosting company really is quite irrelevant.

Via the host's website, you would:
- find information about what hosting services they offer.
- pay for the hosting services
- get ftp information about where/how to upload your website

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